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  1. L

    Rabbit becomes UN Litter trained in the bedroom

    angieluv wrote: Awwww it sounds like you have a similar problem. The cat here used to urinate on my parents bed too lol. My friends cat does on her bed sometimes as well. Animals are strange with beds. Our cat here will use the bathroom *number two, yech* on my laundry if he's let into my...
  2. L

    Rabbit becomes UN Litter trained in the bedroom

    james waller wrote: LOL I like how you phrased the love part. The litter box is actually an old cat litter box and just has his towel he always used in there. I wash it every other day. I know it sounds yicky but the only way we could figure out how to litter box train. I wanted to try later...
  3. L

    Rabbit becomes UN Litter trained in the bedroom

    I have had Kirby for about a year now and overall its been a wonderful experience. I've had a lot of buns in my past and this is my first one again for years for me and my son. I have to say Kirby is so affectionate, sweet, and amazing and we love the little monster to death. Here lies the...