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  1. lennyjames

    A Happy Tribute

    Happy was an incredible friend and we were devestated when he passed on. Everybody loved him and he did likewise.
  2. lennyjames

    A Happy Tribute

    Hi guys, It's been a long time since I was on the forums. The sad news is that Happy, the rabbit we found abandoned 2 years has died. In short, I wrote something in memorium of our precious, fuzzy little guy. Please enjoy it. "A Happy Tribute" From the first day I carried the muddy...
  3. lennyjames

    Stanley is a guard rabbit

    Before Happy was neutered and before he was bonded with Sofi, he would grunt and box my wife when she came close to me. Talk about jealousy!
  4. lennyjames

    Magazine chompin'

    MsBinky wrote: Are regular loo rolls (cardboard) OK for rabbits to ingest? Do they expand in the gut or get processed like fibre? Sofi likes loo rolls too...
  5. lennyjames

    Magazine chompin'

    I have a magazine pile next to my bed and Sofi is a voracious chomper of them. She sometimes ingests the pages - is this not good for a rabbit's digestive system?
  6. lennyjames

    Chronology of a Happy Bunny

    Bo B Bunny wrote: I guess these two were meant to be together! :D
  7. lennyjames

    Chronology of a Happy Bunny

    Bo B Bunny wrote: Nope, she just attacked them when they came close. Sofi is a bit of a grump but I don't blame her - after all, she was abused before the HRSS had her seized for protection. So, she is still a little agressive but she has really calmed down a lot since she got here. I am...
  8. lennyjames

    Chronology of a Happy Bunny

    Thanks to everyone so far that has replied - your kind words have made the sharing great! I sometimes wonder that Happy could have not made it out there, and that Sofi would still be rejecting all her dates - BUT, their early months of sufferig has ended and they were the lucky ones to have...
  9. lennyjames

    Chronology of a Happy Bunny

    Bo B Bunny wrote: Completely different families :P As of this month, the are relly more like each other in size - but Happy is about a year older
  10. lennyjames

    Chronology of a Happy Bunny

    MsBinky wrote: I had read so much about bonding before these two met and I understood the difficulties. Even the HRSS told me that Sofi was very difficult to bond - she had rejected and attacked the 5 males before Happy. But with Happy - absolute bliss! :biggrin2:
  11. lennyjames

    Chronology of a Happy Bunny

    Some people don't think much about rabbits except being cute, and that's was me included. But when Happy came into my life - wow - it all changed. When Sofi came in - even more so! Their interaction is just amazing!
  12. lennyjames

    Chronology of a Happy Bunny

    I was just looking through some old photos of basically everything when I saw some old photos of Happy, arranged in time format. It just reminded me of the time we found him till now, and how much he had changed. Here are the pics from day one (almost) till now (well almost now). 1) this was...
  13. lennyjames

    Bunny Heroes...

    that is a great recount! I feel that many heroes/heroines are generally unnammed - they do things for all of us without want of gratitude.
  14. lennyjames

    Videos of Happy

    Yeah, she doesn't really do any binks, just 500s most of the time. But she still can't beat Happy in speed because of her short legs! :P
  15. lennyjames

    Videos of Happy

    I have always thought his name was very fitting! Here's some more; not as exciting and funny as the others Head shakes A very rare shot of Sofi going doing the 500 My wife always gets envious as...