Recent content by lalla

Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. lalla

    Hello there!

    Welcome ! Your bunny is so cute !!! :hearts:hearts:adorable:
  2. lalla

    Whats your buns fav. Toy & Treat?

    their favorites toys are the smart games and the bunnycondo I would like to post some pictures here but I don't know how to do, have I to first put them on and after that copy the link here?
  3. lalla


    Hello and welcome !!!
  4. lalla

    Hello from Belgium, EUROPE

    Thank you all !!! I am so happy to know that there are a lot of rabbit's lovers all over the world... The bunnies on my avatar are my bunnies. The white is Kiko and the grey is Lilly. Kiko is 4years old and Lilly is 3. As you are all english native speakers, please feel free to correct me when...
  5. lalla


    Hi, I'm from Belgium If you need names of good vets, just ask. If you need other informations, feel free to contact me on this forum. laura
  6. lalla

    Hello from Belgium, EUROPE

    Hi, My name is Laura, I live in Brussels in Belgium but I'm italian. I have two rabbits: a male, Kiko and a female, Lilly (both sterilised) I really like the US, I went 4 times (3 times in NY, one I did a tour of the west coast and last year I did a tour of Florida). I hope you will accept...