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  1. K

    C&C cage with a loft.... help!

    Thanks! He is a cutie huh! I will definitely take more pics soon. He is now climbing up the ramp and "flying" across the cage to the litter box, and climbing up the ramp and flying, and repeating lol. I think he may think it's playground equipment
  2. K

    C&C cage with a loft.... help!

    Those are good ideas! I dont have anything the right size for a step up right now, and no wood, so I will have to do this tomorrow. For now I moved everything to the bottom floor. It's a little less space than he had, but at least he can reach his stuff.
  3. K

    C&C cage with a loft.... help!

    Just got a new bunny and got the wire cubes from kmart to build a custom cage. The cage i built is 3 cubes long, with a loft/second story above one cube. Everything seems fine except my bunny will not go up or down the ramp. His food and littler box are upstairs, and his water is down stairs...
  4. K

    Just got my bunny! He's cute!!!!!

    Lol thanks! He is getting all settiled in and chowing down on hay.
  5. K

    Just got my bunny! He's cute!!!!!

    After like a week of waiting, he is finally here! He is a 5 year old Jersey Wooly named Monday!
  6. K

    So excited!

    Thanks for all the welcomes. I will definitely post pics once we get him. Should be Either the 29th or the 1st of the month, so very soon! Too bad I didn't take a pic when we were looking at him originally :(
  7. K

    So excited!

    Yeah definitely a fuzzy one! We had seen a lop of some kind at the show too, but this one was just so sweet and outgoing. It even let me hold it like an awkward new mom and seemed content. By the way, his name will be "Monday!"
  8. K

    What do you think?

    Oh my gosh! What type of bunny is that? IT'S SO FLUFFY!
  9. K

    So excited!

    I am not familiar with the show, but we had toyed with the idea of something ironic, like butch or spike. We ended up deciding against them because it didnt really seem to fit
  10. K

    What should I look for!?

    oh ok i will check out the site. Can I tattoo him myself or does it have to be an official? I am a tattoo artist so I actually have everything I'd need lol Oh actually the closest shows to me listed are 7+ hours away....hmmm maybe I will have to forget the showing idea. I don't want to super...
  11. K

    So excited!

    I am new to bunnies and new to the forum, so I thought I should intro myself. I am getting my first bunny this weekend, and I am spending every waking moment preparing! I am getting a male Jersey Wooly show bunny who is not fixed. He is a little guy (like 3 pounds) but I am sure he will be...
  12. K

    What should I look for!?

    wendymac wrote: Thanks for the info! If he doesn't have an R in his ear or a number in his other one, is there still a possibility of showing him? I really wish I knew about any shows in my area but I haven't been able to find out about any yet. Arizona must not be a happening place for...
  13. K

    ARIZONA in the house!

    Just wanted to say I live in Tucson AZ
  14. K

    What should I look for!?

    I am going to be buying my first bunny this coming weekend, and I had a few questions about showing him. He is a Jersey Wooly that I found at a local show. It was a 4H show which I think is a smaller type show (not 100% sure) and the bunny got a few ribbons, as well as an award for best of...