Recent content by Kate-n-4Buns

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  1. K

    Flooring options

    Thanks for all the replys. My girls tend to destroy shower curtains so I think I am going to go with vinyl flooring.They probably won't like it but it wll be easier to clean.
  2. K

    Flooring options

    Thanks for all the replys. My girls tend to distroy shower curtains so I think I am going to go with vinyl flooring.They probably won't like it but it wll be easier to clean.
  3. K

    Hello from Myself and My Buns

    Yes he has holes in his ears from where the other rabbits bit him. His ears are healed up pretty well now but he will always have the holes.
  4. K

    Hello from Myself and My Buns

    Left to right is Suri (floppy ear), Sita and Sadie(up ears) Here is Sinatra And his wounds the day I got him
  5. K

    Hello from Myself and My Buns

    Hello, I am new here and I have 4 buns. Sadie and Sita are about 4yrs old, Suri is 1 yr and Sinatra is my new addition, he is around 5 months (that's a guess). I got Sinatra from a feed store that was selling bunnies for Easter. I wasn't planning on getting one but I saw him and felt so bad. He...
  6. K

    Flooring options

    I have 3 spayed female buns in a large pen and am currently using blankets for the floor. My buns are mostly litter box trained but still poop and pee a bit outside their boxes on the blanket. I am trying to find a flooring that will be easier to clean when they do pee outside of the litter box...