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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. K


    Hello all, So background knowledge: My rabbit is about 2 years old now, I’ve had her for almost her entire life, and we’ve lived in our current house for over a year. Her area is her cage, which I always leave open for her to have free range of my bedroom. She RARELY spends time in her actual...
  2. K

    Need new toys/enrichments

    Hello all! So I’ve had my rabbit for a little over a year. Being with the pandemic and online school( I’m in college currently) I’ve been able to spend so much time with her since I got her. My problem lies in the fact that I now work 50 hours a week. I have always trusted my rabbit to run...
  3. K

    Help introducing rabbit & cat

    I introduced my cat to all my pets (2 harmless but large dogs, and a very fiesty cat) through her play pen. Certain times of the day I would open the door to the room my rabbits cage was in and allows the other animals to visit her in her play pen with supervision. The dogs were fine but the cat...
  4. K

    rabbit threat bites when my hand is near his side

    I’ve had my rabbit for a little over a year now and she just finally trusts me enough to touch her everywhere. She had certain areas that she wouldn’t bite if I tried to touch there but she would move away and stare at my hand. I have recently been spending more time with her and giving her a...
  5. K

    Rabbit affection

    My rabbit loved kisses on the top of her head when she was young. She still absolutely loves them almost a year later. She does not lick me back, but she does lean in to rub her nose on my face. She comes to me and has a certain motion with her head that means she wants kisses. It definitely...
  6. K

    Allergic to hay, any way around this??

    I am also super allergic to hay. I have found an allergy med regimen that helps but it causes me to have asthma attacks. I give my rabbits toys made of hay(balls, bowls, tunnels) to take some of the load away. But I share a small college apartment room with my rabbit so it’s hard to avoid it. My...
  7. K

    Does anyone know what breed my rabbit may be?

    So I’ve had my rabbit for about a year now. She is almost 2 years old. When I got her I was told she was a lion head dwarf, which made since because the fur around her head was slightly larger and she was very small(only around 3-4 months) when I got her. Now she is grown and definitely not a...