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  1. J

    (RIP Coco) Disgusted-Bunny mess again!!!

    Thank you everyone. Now I just wish that I had done it sooner, but I guess we couldn't know he wasn't going to get better until we tried. Thanks again.
  2. J

    (RIP Coco) Disgusted-Bunny mess again!!!

    I agree, because I was ready to let him go since I knew how sad he was but it made it no easier to agree to and do. Thank you.
  3. J

    (RIP Coco) Disgusted-Bunny mess again!!!

    I just got back from the vet and we put him to sleep. He had lost more weight, was dehydrated and was just so sick. He said he was very sick and sad. We could treat him but the same thing would happen. He had an infection that should be easily treated. I asked if we were fighting a loosing...
  4. J

    (RIP Coco) Disgusted-Bunny mess again!!!

    Ok, Thanks. I wouldn't know how to do that. If I just keep replying to this will you guys get my message in the morning??
  5. J

    Disgusted-Bunny mess again!!!

  6. J

    (RIP Coco) Disgusted-Bunny mess again!!!

    Thanks, I will.
  7. J

    (RIP Coco) Disgusted-Bunny mess again!!!

    Well, I got involved in helping my niece so I didn't call the vet as early as I wanted. I did call and gave them the info about 4 and they said they would pull his chart and talk to the vet. I had to leave for 45 minutes for an apt of my own and when I came back he is worse. He is not in his...
  8. J

    (RIP Coco) Disgusted-Bunny mess again!!!

    I am sorry to hear about your bun. I am guessing that is what my vet is going to want to do. I have some of my own Dr appointments tomorrow so I will try to get him to see him on Friday. Thanks all for your support. I will let you know when I find something out.
  9. J

    (RIP Coco) Disgusted-Bunny mess again!!!

    Thanks for posting the pics for me...I am going to call and tell the vet he is just not acting normal. I would think that the kidney failure is fatal. Did you wait or have him put to sleep?
  10. J

    (RIP Coco) Disgusted-Bunny mess again!!! I hope this works. One is of Coco out of his cage by my cat, which is small. The other is his cage setup. It is at an angle so I could get it all in. It is a bit bigger than it looks.
  11. J

    (RIP Coco) Disgusted-Bunny mess again!!!

    I cannot figure out how to post a picture...
  12. J

    (RIP Coco) Disgusted-Bunny mess again!!!

    Ok, I did forget to mention that I do give him timothy hay as well as dandelion leaves. Also was giving him cauliflower and apples when he was sick with the infection. I think my vet knows what he is doing. I do like him and he seems to be good. Isn't in the least bit unsure when dealing with...
  13. J

    (RIP Coco) Disgusted-Bunny mess again!!!

    I just got home so let me try to answer questions and then I will try to post a picture. OK...His poop is good, sometimes not as dry as I think it may be, but not loose. That is only the nighttime poop. His food and water are on the other side of the cage. It is a plastic bottom cage, one level...
  14. J

    (RIP Coco) Disgusted-Bunny mess again!!!

    Hi, I have posted before in the infirmary. My bunny, Coco, will only sit or lay in his litter box. He has plenty of room in his cage, but clean or dirty, he will lay in it. I didn't realize it was a problem until he could hardly walk and after cleaning his cage it smelled worse, it was him. Long...
  15. J

    Very sick bunny

    He LOVES the warms towel on his legs. He lays there and lets me wrap around and I pet him. I did it twice and when he got up he did a big stretch with front and back legs! I think he is feeling much better! Thank you.