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  1. J

    New To Bunnies - Lots of questions

    There she is! :) Thanks!
  2. J

    New To Bunnies - Lots of questions

    Yes, that's exactly what I feel like. It's like every time I buy something, its the wrong thing. Bunny I couldn't get the pictures to show up directly. Also, does anyone know a trick to get rid of dried on pee. (A lovely accent to my pictures...yuck).
  3. J

    New To Bunnies - Lots of questions

    Thank you for that extensive bit of information! :D I noticed a bunch of errors in my first post, but I couldn't fix them. I'm a nerd. So...*now, *enjoyed, *thumping - Ah, I feel better. :P
  4. J

    New To Bunnies - Lots of questions

    I just was trying to get litter so that she would learn to go in a certain section of her cage. I'm thinking that I could leave a tray in one corner of her cage and move her droppings to that spot every time she goes for a while. Once she gets the hang of it, clean that spot every day and the...
  5. J

    New To Bunnies - Lots of questions

    What about the litter thing? Can I use clay or does it need to be something else?
  6. J

    New To Bunnies - Lots of questions

    So... I just took over for caring for a Dwarf Hotot (I think). I didn't get a lot of information from the previous owner. She was young and did not have the bunny for long. The bunny came to me with a cage, timothy hay, and pine bedding, lots of it (I have know been educated that you shouldn't...