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  1. J

    Does anyone know how to teach an older rabbit to use the litter box again?

    BunBun did have crystals once and we got rid of the Kale which was the cause, that was the beginning of her not using her litter box. She didn't go back to it completely. This last time she had sludge and had to have her bladder flushed out. I don't know if sludge is the same as crystals...
  2. J

    Anyone have any luck retraining a rabbit to use their litter box again.

    Thanks, I sure wish I could get her peeing under control. P.S. I'm new here, I typed my reply twice because I didn't see that there was a page 2.
  3. J

    Does anyone know how to teach an older rabbit to use the litter box again?

    I am having a problem, I have sent replies but have not seen them posted. I also have had my homepage coming up blank, actually it says blank page. This is a test.
  4. J

    Anyone have any luck retraining a rabbit to use their litter box again.

    I give her 3 oz. of greens daily. I meant that I would increase her romaine. I use to give her cilantro but it started to cause problems. She has never even been willing to taste the parsley when I have given it to her, she is a picky eater.
  5. J

    Anyone have any luck retraining a rabbit to use their litter box again.

    I give her a total of 3oz. of greens daily, so I did mean that I would increase the romaine. She use to eat cilantro but it started causing her problems, she has always refussed to even try parsley along with other greens like chard and collards. She is a picky eater.
  6. J

    Does anyone know how to teach an older rabbit to use the litter box again?

    BunBun is a spayed, Dwarf Lionhead who is 6 years old. She use to be uncaged and free to roam the living room and dining room. She loved running in big circles around the furniture and jump up to her favorite places. In 2011 I started to have a problem of her not using the litter box all the...
  7. J

    Anyone have any luck retraining a rabbit to use their litter box again.

    I will try cutting it back to a 3/4 oz. and the rest romain and see if it helps. I wish she could have more variety but she can't have some of the other greens and the rest I have tried she won't eat. I give her oxbow pellets and oxbow hay. Thanks
  8. J

    Anyone have any luck retraining a rabbit to use their litter box again.

    BunBun does get 1 1/2 oz. of dandeline greens and 1 1/2 oz. of romain lettuce daily. She use to get other types of greens but they have been taken away because she also has a sensitive stomach.
  9. J

    Anyone have any luck retraining a rabbit to use their litter box again.

    BunBun is a Dwarf Lionhead who is 6 years old. She use to be uncaged and free to roam the living room and dining room. She loved running in big circles around the furniture and jump up to her favorite places. In 2011 I started to have a problem of her not using the litter box all the time. I...