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  1. I

    Dewlap wound and strange behaviour

    I went to the vet again today. The bunny had created a second wound on his dewlap (a smaller one though), although generally he seems to be in a somewhat regular mood, drinking and eating as usual (pellets, grass, as well as carrots and apples). However, during the week he was aggressive one...
  2. I

    Dewlap wound and strange behaviour

    JBun and James, thank you both for your help! I am fairly certain that when the problem with the "sneezing" started, the vet had checked his ears, but to be sure I ll ask him to take a closer look. I will probably do a nasal culture and a teeth xray, and ask about the stronger...
  3. I

    Dewlap wound and strange behaviour

    (For some reason I could not edit my original post. Here is a "sneezing" video: I hope it's clear enough)
  4. I

    Dewlap wound and strange behaviour

    Hello. I ve had my pet bunny for 5,5 years now. During this time he's had GI stasis several times (before we concluded that he has some form of recurring gastritis, so now whenever I see the first signs of it I treat him with Epadoren and he's fine). Due to this, we have taken several x-rays...