Recent content by hazelnutbunny

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  1. hazelnutbunny

    Rabbit plucking his fur?

    Hi! I have a 2 year old bunny named Merlot, already neutered. I had to go under a emergency surgery 2 weeks ago and have been recovering since, so I haven't been able to pay full attention to my bunny, even though he's been giving plenty attention to me, as he's veeeery caring and sweet...
  2. hazelnutbunny

    Peeing on my bed! Help!

    Hi! I have a sweet little bunny named Merlot, he is one year old and neutered. He roams freely in the house. Since he arrived, he always had this special bond with my bed. He liked to rest and even sleep with me, which is alright. Then, he began peeing on my bed during the day, which made me...
  3. hazelnutbunny

    Peeing outside the litter box!

    Yes! She eats many different types of vegetables, loves hay and the amount of pellets recommended by the vet...
  4. hazelnutbunny

    Peeing outside the litter box!

    Hey! I have a neutered bunny girl that is really lovely. She's one and a half years old. I started litter training as soon as she arrived as a puppy and she got it really fast! Wouldn't pee or poop outside the litter box. 6 months ago she started to pee just around the litter box. She has two...
  5. hazelnutbunny

    Bunny behavior!

    Thank you! :) I just talked to her vet and he asked for me to watch what's going on a little bit more. He told me to take her there if it gets worse (since she is not doing it on both litter boxes and all), and told me he believes it's nothing. I'm not sure it has anything to do with any...
  6. hazelnutbunny

    Bunny behavior!

    Hmmm! Thanks! I'm gonna talk to the vet, since nothing has changed... It's the same litter, the same box, the same everything... Cleaning as often as always have been! :/ Thank you so much :)
  7. hazelnutbunny

    Bunny behavior!

    Yeah, she is a real sweetheart! A lovely bun! I only asked about the digging because she didn't use to do it, it started from one day to another! So... Who knows? ;D About the pee.. I'm not sure the reason, really! I clean her litter box often. I'm not sure if it mean she need a bigger litter or...
  8. hazelnutbunny

    Bunny behavior!

    Hey everyone! I've got a female spayed bunny, she's 9 months old and the sweetest bun I've ever met :) I littered trained her way back when I brought her home, and she used to pee and poo right inside the littler box. She spends her day walking freely, but since she's a professional...
  9. hazelnutbunny


    That was useful, thank you! :) After I got back at the end of march, I got a nurse and had to change the furniture on my room so she could sleep here. When you said it, I noticed that she gets more (more, but not only) agressive when the nurse is around. She comes everyday since march. My...
  10. hazelnutbunny


    My bun has acess to only one room, my room. People usually come here often! She tries to attack legs when people enter, leave the room or walk around her. About the petting, she comes and asks for it! But if you stop, she bites. I guess she doesn't want you to stop, but it's not a nice way of...
  11. hazelnutbunny


    I've got a bunny girl named Hazelnut. She's my first rabbit (and I only got her) and neutered for 2 months and a half already. The thing is, I had a health problem and had to spend 2 weeks at the hospital in march, which meant she was most of the time alone at home. When I came back, she was...
  12. hazelnutbunny

    Found a pimple on the side of the body! Help?

    I was petting my baby bun (she'll be 3 months old this week) and found something that looks like a pimple on the side of her body. Help? What do you guys think?