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  1. FlashyMagoo

    Fluffball's Possible Pregnancy Diary

    And we even managed to sort it out in a friendly manner:D Go us! Ahem, *stops hi-jacking thread*.
  2. FlashyMagoo

    Fluffball's Possible Pregnancy Diary

    No worries :) It does happen with text, and given that I am someone who often reacts really badly to benign comments (hypersensitive), we probably just made a bad convo due to misunderstandings, so no worries, and definitely not all your fault :)
  3. FlashyMagoo

    Fluffball's Possible Pregnancy Diary

    irishbunny wrote: :) Ok. I do think people have coped very well with this though and been mature about it (talking about the whole situation). This is the sort of thing that generally comes back to bite you on the butt later, but hopefully this time it won't. Hopefully things will go ok...
  4. FlashyMagoo

    Fluffball's Possible Pregnancy Diary

    irishbunny wrote: I answered your question, that was all. That was what people had a problem with. No one has forshamed her, or driven her away, people have actually been very mature in what they have said and how they have said it (even me! Or, at least, I tried). I have offered Becca a lot...
  5. FlashyMagoo

    Fluffball's Possible Pregnancy Diary

    irishbunny wrote: Yes, her parents are behind her and that is a good thing, and it is also a good thing that she eventually told the truth. I personally have no problem with breeding, and people breeding, PROVIDED they are doing it correctly and responsibly. The problems here are...
  6. FlashyMagoo

    The Plan

    You didn't make me mad in the slightest, I just told you the truth. I have not been online on msn for a good while now, and don't approach anyone. If people approach me, I talk to them, but other than that, I don't. I am not pathetic enough to stop talking to someone in that situation. You were...
  7. FlashyMagoo

    The Plan

    Unfortunately Becca, you said before you wouldn't breed, and still did. What you are risking, when she gets a bit older is a higher risk of stuck kits, death, emergency spay (very expensive), agony, painful kindling, all sorts. You have the knowledge to know whether you want to put someone you...
  8. FlashyMagoo

    The Plan

    What you are supposed to do is a, Tell the truth. b, Look at all the info you have been given, and make an informed decision and be PREPARED to deal with any consequences of your decision.
  9. FlashyMagoo

    The Plan

    Do you realise that the lies you tell affect other people? It makes them feel like fools for believing you. It makes them not want to believe other things you have said, I mean why should they, you lied before, you can do it again (and have done it again). It makes people think they can get away...
  10. FlashyMagoo

    Fluffball's Possible Pregnancy Diary

    Given that Becca has now publicly admitted she did this intentionally and will do it again to get a litter, what is the latest time alionhead doecan have her first litter?
  11. FlashyMagoo

    The Plan

    Becca you need to start being truthful. If you have the money, you should have said, if you did it on purpose, you should have said. Lies won't go down well, truth is always far more respected.
  12. FlashyMagoo

    The Plan

    Nope, I didn't say you didn't care, I said you didn't listen, and you don't. You ask for advice, such as whether or not to breed them, and then do it regardless. You don't fully take on board and listen (and that's also what bunnysrule has said too) to what people say in response. I know you're...
  13. FlashyMagoo

    Chalk has another abscess!!

    Sounds like she is doing great. If you are worried about leaving her, is there anyone that could have them in their home to watch them/her more closely? Have you thought about asking on RU? (I saw you on there the other day, hence mentioning that). There may be someone rabbit savvy in your area...
  14. FlashyMagoo

    The Plan

    There's no point trying to convince you otherwise, because you refuse to listen, but what I want to know if how you will feel if Fluffball dies because of what you did? Or something else tragic happens and it's your fault because you made the choice to breed irresponsibly and not listen to advice?
  15. FlashyMagoo

    Chalk has another abscess!!

    Thinking of youall today. x