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  1. Fairymist

    When do Lops lop?

    Mine were 4 weeks when they lopped.
  2. Fairymist

    Newbie and need help

    I uploaded a couple of pics but cant work out how to post them!:?
  3. Fairymist

    More Baby Help Please

    Hi, Further to my help post. Doe had litter of 5 33days ago, but had 2nd ltter 3 days ago, due to kits being knocked out of nest the older babies were taken out and are now on there own (doing well eating fine) BUT..i keep finding kits wriggling out of the nest found one this morning a...
  4. Fairymist

    Newbie and need help

    Counted 7 Babies today!! one was lost and wriggling away from the nest. Ive taken the older ones out as i worried they may stand on the little ones. Hope everything will be ok.
  5. Fairymist

    Newbie and need help

    Hi She had babies today!!, There was nothing there this morning but when i came home from work she'd pulled her hair out and made a new nest (i had a quick peek and saw 1 live kit. Didnt like to poke about too much) She still appears quite happy, Infact less grumpy than she was last time she'd...
  6. Fairymist

    Newbie and need help

    Thanks Whoa . I know its not ideal for her to have a litter so soon, and obviously something I wouldn't have chosen. To be honest we didnt want to breed at all. But as i said it was a bit of a surprise that he was a he. The babies are totally gorgeous though! and they are really healthy and I...
  7. Fairymist

    Newbie and need help

    Ive left them for now, one person did say not too take them away until 6 weeks, some say its ok. But Like i said they are eating ok. I wont put them with the Dad. The mum is bleeding a bit now so i think she will give birth soon. Some people have said she will eat the new kits and the babies...
  8. Fairymist

    First Litter Question

    My first litter is 28 days old and they all survived! dont worry what the web sites say i scared myself with all sorts of stories. If you dont interfere too much and your bunny trusts you and feels safe, it will be fine.
  9. Fairymist

    Newbie and need help

    Thanks for replying everyone. She has made a proper nest now, and the babies are still in with her, will have to wait and see. I wish i could get a good answer but no one really seems to know, as with everything everyone thinks something different!
  10. Fairymist

    Newbie and need help

    Hi everyone, Im Chelle and my bunnies are Hufflepuff and Neville. They are 6 months old French lops. Ive got a problem can anyone help me? My Doe had a litter 27 days ago, there are 5 and all doing well. (Was an accident, our other female turned out to be male!) we took him out as soon as...
  11. Fairymist

    Newbie and need help

  12. Fairymist

    Help. New litter? Babies only 27 days and doe building nest.

    Hi everyone, My Doe had a litter 27 days ago, there are 5 and all doing well. (Was an accident, our other female turned out to be male!) we took him out as soon as we saw the babies. Today she is building a nest. I know its more than likely she is pregnant but i want to know what to do with the...
  13. Fairymist

    New Litter? Babies only 27days

    Hi everyone, My Doe had a litter 27 days ago, there are 5 and all doing well. (Was an accident, our other female turned out to be male!) we took him out as soon as we saw the babies. Today she is building a nest. I know its more than likely she is pregnant but i want to know what to do with the...