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  1. D

    Mean bunnies! :(

    I guess I should mention, Kloe is almost 2 because we adopted her. Charley is about 6months old or so.
  2. D

    Mean bunnies! :(

    Alright, thanks for everyone's input! We have an appointment for Charley's(Male) "hormonal sources" to be removed on Friday, haha. I will start holding treats so they have to eat them near me instead of just letting them take it and run and hope that that helps. They do go crazy and run/jump...
  3. D

    Mean bunnies! :(

    Hello, my girlfriend and I recently lost our rabbit Hero, this July. We adopted an already spade female rabbit and purchased a male. We have had them both for a little over 2 months. The female(Kloe) hated the male(Charley) when they first were acquainted, but after a week they became pretty...
  4. D

    Lionhead bulging red eye

    I'm sorry for the wait. We took him in, and his eye was even worse. During the exam by the eye specialist and rabbit specialist his heart stopped :( I feel so bad that he was scared and stressed all alone when I told him he was going to be okay before he went in for the exam :'(. I also feel...
  5. D

    Lionhead bulging red eye

    I just got back from work and it looks even worse. I have an appointment at the exotic pet section of the vet center at my college tomorrow afternoon, I don't think he can wait till Monday. They also said they will have an eye specialist come look at him and only charge us for the exotic pet...
  6. D

    Lionhead bulging red eye

    I called my colleges' vet hospital and they have eye specialists and a rabbit expert as well. If he doesn't improve by Sunday I will call first thing Monday morning to make an appointment. They said they will work as a team to help us!
  7. D

    Lionhead bulging red eye

    I actually went to two vets, the first one I just left because he said he didn't want me writing a check, he was the one that said his teeth were good and he had an cornia ulceration. The second one agreed with the ulcer and also said there was some kind of trauma that occurred that was swelling...
  8. D

    Lionhead bulging red eye

    The thing that worries me most is that his eye is bulging and he hasn't really been himself. He usually greets me when I get up in the morning and follows me around a lot if he is not napping. He still eats and drinks but not as much as he used to. I will wait a few more days, thank you for...
  9. D

    Lionhead bulging red eye

    Hello, please help me I already took him to a vet and they said his teeth were fine and said all he had was a cornia ulceration. We got baytril for once a day orally and terramycin ointment to put in his eye 2-4 times a day. This is the second day and now it seems to be getting worse and I am...