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  1. duhon01

    Calm Bunny that OK???

    Thanks everyone!!! I am SO glad that she is well-behaved!!! I was just a little worried that she was lacking a vitamin or something because she is never hyper. I'm new with rabbits, this is my first one. Thanks again!!! Lynn
  2. duhon01

    Calm Bunny that OK???

    I've had my bunny for 5 weeks, she is a Holland Lop (4 months old). She has free range of my son's bedroom 8-24 hrs a day. She is doing well, eating well, and bonding well. She loves to lay next to me and be petted, etc. She is very curious, anytime something new is on the floor, she instantly...
  3. duhon01


    Hi I just saw your post. Who is your vet??? I live in Youngsville. I'm a new rabbit owner and I need a local vet for emergencies. Right now I'm taking my bun to Baton Rouge at Azaela Lakes Vet. Clinic. They deal with rabbits a lot and are very cheap so I'm getting mine spayed there but it is 1...
  4. duhon01

    Getting bunnies out of their cage...

    Ok the picture is small but I posted it the best I could. This is our bun's ramp. It is made of wood and has hindges that swivel a little playform for her to stand on in the cage. We just pull the ramp out to clean her cage of close her in the cage (rarely). She absolutely loves the freedom this...
  5. duhon01

    Getting bunnies out of their cage...

    My bunny's cage is about 2 feet off the ground and my husband built a ramp out of wood that fits into the door of the cage (only about 6 inches wide). I covered the woodwith that rubber mat stuff that is used to line kitchen cabinets, so that our bunny can grip it. It has made a world of...