Recent content by DoomyB

Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. DoomyB

    Post Pics!

    Meet Doomy
  2. DoomyB

    My rabbit.

    Thank you! Doom would say hello, but he's having a swell time outside.
  3. DoomyB

    My rabbit.

    Thank you for the vote. We both appreciate it :) He's a wonderful bunny. And didn't seem too bothered about sitting in a pot hehe.
  4. DoomyB

    My rabbit.

    Hello, my bunny and I need your help. My baby Doomy is entered in to a competition to win a voucher for pet supplies. We would love it if you could vote for him so we can purchase a bigger and better home. Currently we only have a raised hutch and would like to have a bigger run and one that is...