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  1. D

    Papaya has starting spraying...

    My Bun Bun is 5 months old and he got neutered last Wednesday.. He's doing great!! You will have to keep him confined after the surgery so he won't pull out his sutures. It's for his own good, so don't feel guilty. My guy sprayed before I got him fixed, but it was near or on me. I just kept...
  2. D

    Oliver is scaring me!

    My Bun Bun was fixed Wednesday. They kept him 24 hours and sent me home with pain medication for the next day. Said to keep him in a small cage resting for three days and no litter. No hopping, jumping or running until stitches come out. He's been laying sprawled out like that, too. If he's...
  3. D

    Oliver is scaring me!

    My Bun Bun was fixed Wednesday. They kept him 24 hours and sent me home with pain medication for the next day. Said to keep him in a small cage resting for three days and no litter. No hopping, jumping or running until stitches come out. He's been laying sprawled out like that, too. If he's...
  4. D

    Bun Bun not pooping

    Thanks all!! I brush him every day to try to prevent stasis from all of his hair. Yesterday everything was working perfectly. He gets neutered on Wednesday, as he's started to spray and poop outside his box. Wish me luck!!
  5. D

    Bun Bun not pooping

    He pooped!! He pooped!! Tomorrow's we get to clean his butt!! Fun, fun, since hes an English angora.
  6. D

    Bun Bun not pooping

    Soft belly, is gurlgling (I listened to it with stethoscope). Vet told tech to tell me to wait 24-48 hours. Ugh!!
  7. D

    Bun Bun not pooping

    BB had soft poop sometime between 11:30 pm ans 10:30 am. Now he hasn't pooped since 11 am. Called rabbit vet and they said she'd call after seeing her patients. She never called!!! He's peeing, but I don't think he's esring as much as normal. Help!!!:(
  8. D

    I'm being humped. o-o

    They will still have these behaviors up to a month after the snip snip?!?! Ugh..
  9. D

    I'm being humped. o-o

    Sounds horny..was he honking?!?
  10. D

    Now he's spraying me

    My Bun Bun sprayed over and around me last night.. He's getting snipped on Wednesday! Until then, I will put a towel over his butt. Gross...
  11. D

    potty training a very stoburn bunny?

    How's it going?!?! I think it's more of him training you, than you training him! He'll get the hang of it in a couple of weeks. Get the largest litter box you can find.
  12. D

    potty training a very stoburn bunny?

    I put my Bun Bun's pellets, hay and water bottle right in his litter box. That helped him get the idea, since he spends most of his time eating. Ha!
  13. D

    A question for those of you with house bunnies.

    Little boogers!!! Annoying and embarrassing. Good thing he's so darned cute!!
  14. D

    A question for those of you with house bunnies.

    My guy is about 5 months old and leaves a poo here and there on the floor, but when he get in my chair and I'm not there, or on the on!!! 20-30 at a time. I've had to block off the couch completely and my chair when I'm not sitting in it. Think this will help when I get him fixed...
  15. D

    Princess and Ceaser
