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Rabbits Online Forum

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    Real Men Love Bunnies!

    WhyMista wrote: Arent you the guy with all the funny posts on :P
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    Shows in South Florida

    I live pretty close to you. Next to the sawgrass mall :P
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    FL Buns...

    I live in Sunrise
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    Men with Bunnies

    Me I thought i was the only nut whos a straight guy who has a rabbit.The girls love him though whenever i bring one over to my place :P
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    $300 to get my male bun neutered???

    JadeIcing wrote: Thanks.Im a college student.Really dont have that kind of money sitting around unfortunately
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    $300 to get my male bun neutered???

    MsBinky wrote: i hope so :( it seems like such a rip off
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    $300 to get my male bun neutered???

    I have a male as well as a female that i purchased recently. I kept them together and they female just had 4 babies but all were born dead :( So for now i have kept them seperated from one another until i get one of them either spayed or neutered.So i looked in the yellow pages and the vets want...
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    Nuetering cost?

    I have an adult male and i dont mind his droppings and him humping my leg.He doesnt have a companion.How important is it to have him neutered?I meani would be scared if someone wanted to tamper with my "equipment" so i feel i shouldnt bother his unless it can cause him harm in the future.I know...
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    A beautiful bunny tribute

    This brought tears to my eyes.Farewell Mr Rabbit [url=[ame="][/url"]<WBR>=hAJW1Eo4l3M]http://www<WBR><WBR>M[/url[/ame]]
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    Rabbit are considered "POULTRY"???

    Although i have known that hunters do hunt andeat rabbits in rural america i was shocked beyond belief when i readthis article.Disgusting to say the least.Im surprised that noone isupset by this. [size=2]
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    I've adopted a new blind bunny!

    Can he easily find his food and water in the cage? Wondering since you said he cant see.
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    Does your rabbit circle your feet? Why do they do it?

    I have been sprayed on before a couple of times.So he is marking ME as his territory???
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    Does your rabbit circle your feet? Why do they do it?

    I always wonder what he is thinking when he doesit.He also like to follow around but loves to circle anyones feet ifthey are around him
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    New member with pix of "BABA GANOUSH"

    Im in miami,florida but im originally of pakistani origin