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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. C

    Callus(es) on hind feet? Sore hocks?

    I was just reading up on this the other day as well. My boys has this as well, they have their fur covered over it but not much.. So it's quite hidden, I only know when I groom them.. Furthermore, they have soft flooring (ABC kids mats) From what I've seen in most forum, many have said that...
  2. C

    Choking bunny vomitted

    Hi, this happened many months back on two occasions but haven't had the time to post about it. What happened was my greedy bunny was eating his pellets way too quickly and he got choked on a few of them (probably). He started to run around (a little weirdly). I could tell something wasn't right...
  3. C

    Help! Is Ionized Deodorizer Water safe for rabbits?

    I was recommended to this product. It says it helps to make the pee less smelly.. Do you think it's safe for rabbits? Thanks for your help!