Recent content by Courtney Hubbert

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  1. Courtney Hubbert

    Puss crust

    Bunny is improving slowly breathing is not laboured and taking meds a lot better. Bunny is pooping and peeing more but not in the cage. I set a video camera in the room to watch what happens when I sleep and the bunny does go in the cage. Still not eating or drinking on its own yet but does...
  2. Courtney Hubbert

    Puss crust

    Just came back from vet after cleaning nose and giving a hydration injection under the skin, bunny seemed to perk up wasn't laying down. Bunny had another feeding of critical care mix and dose of antibiotics before the vet visit and after bunny had another feeding of critical care mix with the...
  3. Courtney Hubbert

    Puss crust

    Bunny keeps tilting head and seems like bunny balance is off
  4. Courtney Hubbert

    Puss crust

    wrapped bunny in a towel and was able to give bunny a dose of both meds, just fed bunny second serving of critical care mix. If I can keep this up will the fast hard breathing stop? Bunnis eyes don't seem to focus but is letting me clean the eyes and nose but the puss crust is really stuck in...
  5. Courtney Hubbert

    Puss crust

    Bunny has respiratory infection, vetc gave us meds to treat it. Bunny isn't takin it and now barely eating or drinking. Bunny has puss crust in his nose, the damp cloth didn't do much. Bunny is breathing harder. Should we go back to the vet for more critical care? I'm at a loss as to what to...