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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. C

    How do I get rid of poison ivy w/o harming the bunny

    I have a dwarf rabbit who loves going outside and playing in the yard - it's a good size area and he (and my sons) have a ball together. However, we have a problem with lots of poison ivy growing and my son is VERY allergic (often has to go on steroids when infected). I bought roundup poison...
  2. C

    How to add a 2nd bunny?

    thanks - all very helpful and much appreciated.
  3. C

    How to add a 2nd bunny?

    thanks - that cancels the idea - definately wouldn't want to jeopardize the connection my special needs son has with his rabbit - he REALLY needs it. What other house pets generally live peacefully with a rabbit in the house? thx!
  4. C

    How to add a 2nd bunny?

    thanks good info. approx. how much $ does it cost to spay/neuter?
  5. C

    How to add a 2nd bunny?

    Hi (new here): I recently (~ 3 months ago) got a dwarf bunny for my special needs child (11 yo). He absolutely loves him, and the bunny has helped him a lot. He's a really good friend for my son. I was thinking of getting one for my other son (6yo) who would love to have one However when we...