Recent content by BunnyWover

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  1. BunnyWover

    Iam making an outdoor cage and I want to know what you think

    well Iam making an outdoor cage , (and I know how bad that can be but hear me out ). Iam 14:expressionless. well anways Ive been desiging a cage , and since Ill most likely be away for 5-8 hours a day (for school and a some day job) I want it to be bigso when Iam gone the rabbit has lots of room...
  2. BunnyWover

    is this cage to big or to small? I really want to know

    BunnyWover wrote: and yes again Iam sorry I will be adding a run . not sure how big it will be but dont worry there will be alot of room:)
  3. BunnyWover

    is this cage to big or to small? I really want to know

    Amy27 wrote: Iam sorry I forgot to add thouse details . well its going to be 6 feet long. and I want to get a small breed like a dwarf. again sorry for forgetting thouse details
  4. BunnyWover

    hey Iam new and Ive got a question so please help

    well Iam sorry I dont have one .. YET. if you look at my picture you'll see a rabbit and thats the rabbit I want to adopt. he is so cute and if I get him Iam going to call him chiko! so cute!
  5. BunnyWover

    Bunnies and Music?

    my old rabbit loved music , I know people would say its bad for them but when ever I turned on the music I swear it was like he was dancing :biggrin::nod:bunnydance:
  6. BunnyWover

    is this cage to big or to small? I really want to know

    well Iam making an outdoor cage , note: it would be indoor but my parents said I could get a rabbit but it has to be outdoors:((and I know how bad that can be but hear me out ). and Iam 14:expressionless. well anways Ive been desiging a cage , and since Ill most likely be away for 5-8 hours a...
  7. BunnyWover

    is this cage to big or to small?

    well Iam making an outdoor cage , note: it would be indoor but my parents said I could get a rabbit but it has to be outdoors:((and I know how bad that can be but hear me out ). and Iam 14:expressionless. well anways Ive been desiging a cage , and since Ill most likely be away for 5-8 hours a...
  8. BunnyWover

    Looking for good bunny parents: TN/GA

    oh god I would adopt bella if I could she is stunning!, but sadly I cant , if only these guys were around next spring , then maybe I would. GOOD LUCK IN FINDING THEM NEW HOMES!:goodluck:
  9. BunnyWover


    I just finished reading all the posts on here and its amazing how much people care , Iam happy to know the little guy was saved in time. may be missing a ear but still really cute , this is a great example of what people would do to save just 1 little life. Iam happy for you guys. good...
  10. BunnyWover

    hey Iam new and Ive got a question so please help

    hey there like it says Iam new and I have a question , I havent gotten a bunny yet and I would like to know what breed of bunny is small , like under 6 pounds small , can anyone help me? thank you:thumbup
  11. BunnyWover

    hey there Iam new, hello's from canada

    hey there! Iam new here! sadly I dont have a bunny... YET!I used to have one but l Iam getting a bunny in the spring I was going to get one this summer but we ended up moving and I dont want to put a cute little bunny throw all that . So right now Iam here to get more info on the cute little...
  12. BunnyWover

    Hello from Ontario Canada

    hey there! my name is Emilie! and yes Iam new here , Ive come on the site to find out some information on rabbits because Iam getting one in the spring! YAY :hearts:hearts:bunny19:bunnyheart:bunnydance:I love rabbits! and Ive had them befor when I was young but that was a long time ago , my...