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  1. BPDbq

    Never saw myself as a “rabbit person”..

    That’s crazy, I had just mentioned to my SO the other day that when Ponyo cuddles up and rolls over to get her belly scratched it is almost like tonic immobility in sharks cuz she just completely relaxes all her muscles, sometimes keeps her eyes open and sometimes closed. When you stop, it takes...
  2. BPDbq

    Never saw myself as a “rabbit person”..

    I wasn’t positive at first, as I discovered a lot of breeds with broken markings can look similar (and I see a lot of owners who think they have ESpots be told otherwise). But Totoro has a very nice herringbone down his back and they are so arched and racy when they move, I’ve become pretty...
  3. BPDbq

    Never saw myself as a “rabbit person”..

    Just wanted to finally create an account and say Hello after lurking for the last month or so! My SO has had several rabbits as pets, so they were the logical choice for my animal-crazy daughter. Yet, somehow I’ve gotten hooked on the furballs and am enjoying having them as members of the...