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  1. B

    Amy's furkids & more: 2011

    That is all so awesome! Where did you go to school to become a groomer?
  2. B

    Amy's furkids & more: 2011

    undergunfire wrote: I shave my boy into a lion cut every summer. He is long hair, but he is SO happy afterward. Not so happy while it's being cut, but once I'm done he frolics around like a kitten. "P
  3. B

    Captured a loose rabbit....

    Ponyta wrote: You're entitled to your opinion, but you should really read the whole thread before making such accusations. She isn't taking the bunny to a shelter. In fact a couple of people have offered homes to the little guy. I think you're doing the right thing Amy. I wouldn't hesitate...
  4. B

    Cockatiel Egg and Chick Thread

    Go babies, go! I love this thread so much!
  5. B

    Cockatiel Egg and Chick Thread

    Snowy, I just caught up on this thread, and I am so sorry for your losses. Phoenix is gorgeous! You must be so proud! I hope that the other babies make it! I'll be rooting for ya'll.:pray:
  6. B

    Elops are 4 days

    OMG they are adorable! How are they doing? We need more pics of those angels!
  7. B

    Cockatiel Egg and Chick Thread

    Yay! Congrats on all of the babies! They are gorgeous!
  8. B

    Shiloh's Happy Herd

    Snowy, all of your buns are sooo cute! I do have to say though that I have a soft spot for Rory. There is something about that boy. AND HOORAY for baby 'Tiels! I LOVE birds. I can't wait until he starts to get more feathers!:heartbeat:
  9. B

    Cockatiel Egg and Chick Thread

    Oh my goodness! This thread had me on the edge of my seat the entire time I was reading it! I actually got choked up when you said he hatched! I LOVE THIS THREAD!!!!:yahoo:
  10. B

    Please pray for my Tori Girl

    Pyometra can be prevented by spaying your female dogs. I think that I would go to a different vet and discuss spaying her. Do you have a low cost spay/neuter clinic near you? That would be a lot cheaper. If you get her spayed and put on antibiotics she should be fine as long as you caught...
  11. B

    Never Ending Cat Food Dilemma

    I feed Blue Buffalo Wilderness. It is the only dry food that doesn't make my cats vomit. That said, every cat is different just like every dog is and what works for mine may not work for yours.
  12. B

    Myia's Bunny Blog

    Myia09 wrote: I did read your ENTIRE blog, but obviously did not understand. I was not attacking you, but people bringing more animals into this world for selfish reasons is something that I am passionate about. I'm sure that you can understand this. The reason that I brought up putting...
  13. B

    Myia's Bunny Blog

    Myia09 wrote: You said that the cat you currently have has a very contagious disease and that you wouldn't ever be able to get another because it would expose the new cat to it...:? To get a new cat and risk your current cat transmitting its disease is extremely irresponsible IMO. Sorry...
  14. B

    Myia's Bunny Blog

    Myia09 wrote: Yes, they can, and if you don't know this you shouldn't be breeding them. If you don't have their family lines down on paper and know all of the genetic defects in their background, you SHOULD NOT breed them! ALSO, a post that you made saying you didn't know any vet in AZ that...
  15. B

    Income Tax

    Hmmm lets see: Bedroom sets for the kiddos, maybe a new bed for us Vet care for our current two dogs and a new third dog. Rat cage that's all we have so far...