Recent content by Bethi7

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  1. Bethi7

    I'm Back! So here's a poem!

    Hey guys! I know I haven't been here ina while so here's a poem for ya"ll! How Truffles, you say? well here you go, He's doing great, he's feeling slow, "Pikka Boo" he says when he's hiding from me, But now he's tired and all tiddy. Me too? I feel fine, My ten yr. old life finnaly shines...
  2. Bethi7

    Merry Christmas from the Crochet's

    Truffles would like to tell ya'll what he wants. "I wantses ya'll to hear this song dat suits me!" "Also, I'd like every one to pray for my Paw-Paw cuz hes sick and old" (Truffles 18:27) MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM...
  3. Bethi7

    Caption Contest #52

    ok, lets settle dis, rock paper scissors!
  4. Bethi7

    Today on RO- Thursday!

    I seen that bunny but cant remember her name, but 4 some reason he reminds me of mine because the colors of her chest!
  5. Bethi7

    Caption Contest #46

    hmmmm...... skin cleanser, shampoo, and lotion, don't need em'. i'm pretty enough.
  6. Bethi7

    is it shedding time?

    Mine is shedding alot too. But it is just his baby coat.
  7. Bethi7

    Michael Jackson Tribute

    MIchael Jackson RIP................................................:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::pray::pray:you were a THRILLER who never said im gonna BEAT IT. RIP KEEP HIM IN YOUR PRAYERS.:pray:
  8. Bethi7

    Today on RO

    um.............argenta de creme
  9. Bethi7

    Caption Contest #37

    I said lets play horsey not to be a horsey!!!
  10. Bethi7

    My Truffles needs....

    I LIVESES IN A JIANT 2 STOWY HOWSE. i GETS PAMPEREDEDED. Its is awwwwwwwwsum. Truffles (not twoffles)
  11. Bethi7

    What a bunny wants in an owner

    Do you want to know, what a bunny wants in an owner? They want a friend, with a heart of gold, not someone who has the heart of mold. Someone truthful, careful, filled with love. an owner who loves them, as much as the whole sky above. So if you want to know each...
  12. Bethi7

    My Truffles needs....

    I'll want pellets! yummy! and thier ROYAL! i GONNA TELL MOMMY TO BRING ME VISIT! Truffles
  13. Bethi7

    Ruby is getting spayed.

    this post makes me think Katy Perry- thinking of you! GOOD LUCK RUBY!
  14. Bethi7

    Is a Jersy Wooly a good pet?

    I'm thinking that I should get a Jersy Wooly one day. But, I need to know, arethey friendly? Will they be a wieght up to at least 6 pounds? I need to know. Thanks
  15. Bethi7

    Today on RO - Thursday!

    Today was my AIM (Acadimic Invatational Meet). There is math, and spelling. I WON 1ST PLACE IN MATH!!!!!