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  1. B


    Hey guys. I have had my bunnies now for just over a month, and I have been following the same routine every day when it comes to feeding them.. On a morning I throw away the pellets they haven't eaten from the day before and give them fresh pellets, fresh water, and big handful of hay. Then on a...
  2. B


    Yeah I brought them in as soon as I saw what was happening. I think it may have been a bird, because whilst I was outside I got startled by a bird flying over head. They seem to be a lot calmer now. I will never do that again. I will clean round them next time. They got lots of cuddles and they...
  3. B


    I really need some help. This morning I put the buns out In the back yard whilst I did some house work. They are always in the house apart from when I let them in the yard for a run. They are in their hutch, out of the sun and in a safe place. They have been out a couple hours, and when I have...
  4. B


    Just a picture of my babies having a cuddle before bed :) Sent from my iPhone using Rabbit Forum
  5. B


    I didn't realise that, I have been finding such mixed info online. Thanks for the heads up guys. That's much appreciated :) Sent from my iPhone using Rabbit Forum
  6. B

    Fighting a losing battle?

    No it was a new one. I might try putting that one in the cage with them for a while until they get used to it and get their smells on it. I cleaned with white vinegar, and disinfectant, both times.i didn't even notice them doing it, and I was watching like a hawk! Sent from my iPhone using...
  7. B

    Fighting a losing battle?

    I let my babies have a run out every day in their special area of the house. I noticed the last 2 times they have weed in the same corner, so today I put a littler tray there, so they could go on the litter tray. Only to find that one of them kicked the litter tray out of the way and weed behind...
  8. B


    Is it strange that my babies won't eat carrot? They both turn their noses up at it. I thought bunnies loved carrot xx Sent from my iPhone using Rabbit Forum
  9. B

    Rabbits pics please post :)

    My baby girls, Mitsy and Belle :) Sent from my iPhone using Rabbit Forum
  10. B

    New rabbits

    Thanks for all your tips guys. I am feeding them oaten hay, that's what the breeder advised me to use, and all the online help I could find steered me that way too. Try are 2 girls, sisters. They get on really well too, they are forever cleaning each other and sitting on one another. I have...
  11. B

    New rabbits

    Ah that's good. I have been giving them hay every time it looks low. I'm glad I'm doing that right :) they have a small bowl of pellets but haven't really seemed interested in it. They are both just over 8 weeks old. X Sent from my iPhone using Rabbit Forum
  12. B

    New rabbits

    Thanks for your advice. I have been talking to them all day. My husband had been looking at me like in nuts :) One other question, how much hay should I be feeding them? They seem to have spent all day and night grazing. Will they stop eating when they are not hungry, or will they just keep...
  13. B

    New rabbits

    Hey guys. I just got 2 mini lops today, they are in there hutch in the living room with us, and they have both settled in well, both eating and playing etc. however, when either myself or my husband walk past the hutch, they bolt, they will jump and fall over things to get to the opposite side...