Recent content by BeneathTheEarth

Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. BeneathTheEarth

    Your first bun

    My first bun is the bun I have currently. I was talking to my friend about wanting a bunny so bad and not ten minutes later she texts me with pictures of her. A girl we went to school with was getting rid of hers. I rushed home and begged my mom. After her telling me no and me crying for hours...
  2. BeneathTheEarth

    I love Clover!

    I've had my lop bunny for a few weeks, and love her to death! She hasn't entirely warmed up to me yet, but I'm still the only person she will let pick her up or pet her during play time :) So cute! My Baby Clover <3
  3. BeneathTheEarth

    Best Brush for my bun?

    So as the winter draws to a close (SLOWLY) I need to get a good brush for when Clover starts to shed. I've seen a lot of topics where people say what not to buy, but not really many suggestions. Her coat is pretty heavy and thick, even with the extra fur for the winter taken into account...
  4. BeneathTheEarth

    Name learning?

    My rabbit Clover is the same way. If she's playing she doesn't like to be touched. She's around a year old, but the way she learns from me is when I enter the room she's in I'm very quiet and all I say is her name. She had learned that I'm getting her attention with that name that way. My...
  5. BeneathTheEarth

    Bunny apartments in CNY

    There are so many people on these forums I thought I'd give you guys a shot!! I just got my baby girl Clover a few weeks ago from someone I used to go to school with. She's about a year or so old, and within the next year I'm looking to move out of my parents' place (I'm turning 20 this year)...
  6. BeneathTheEarth

    Lets see those Buns!!

    My baby Clover <3 a lop of some sort and kinda overweight as the people I got her from just fed her pellets unlimited without any hay. But she's as energetic as any bun could be! My Baby Clover <3
  7. BeneathTheEarth

    Best outdoor playpen??

    I just got a rabbit a few weeks ago, she's about a year old Lop named Clover~ As the winter slowly draws to a close, I am beginning to figure out and put together an area in out large yard for her to play, SUPERVISED of course as I love near woods and I would die if anything happened to her. I...