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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. B

    Hot & Humid

    Spraying water on their ears can also help, as this is where they lose the most heat from. And frozen water bottles.
  2. B

    Should I neuter my rabbit?

    Hi, I'm not a professional but did a lot of research about the benefits of spaying/spoke to several vets when deciding whether or not to get my doe spayed. I opted for it in the end because the health benefits (I felt) outweighed the risks. The main health benefit of spaying is that it...
  3. B

    Male bunny suddenly become aggressive - please help :(

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, it's really reassured me :) they seem back to their usual cuddled up selves today, and there hasn't been any more chasing, and there's not been any hair pulling or biting when it has happened, so I'm guessing it is not too much to worry about - I'm...
  4. B

    how much veggies/herbs

    Ps the veg you're giving sounds like bunny heaven - mine adore parsley - I just wish they liked something cheaper!
  5. B

    how much veggies/herbs

    That sounds about right, too much veg would mean that the rabbit eats less hay which is crucial to keep their digestive system moving, and to help to wear down their teeth. I think the recommended amount of veg is two handfuls a day, which is what I give mine, once in the morning and once in the...
  6. B

    Male bunny suddenly become aggressive - please help :(

    Hi, I'm new here, I have two house rabbits, one female who is 4 and one male who is 2, both have been neutered. Both have been fully bonded for the past two years and ordinarily spend all their time together, grooming eachother and cuddling up together etc, and although they are still doing...