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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. B

    Rabbit is pooping everywhere! Please help!

    I didnt even think about that! He is not desexed. Is 4 years too old to do it now? How much aprox does this surgery cost? And thank you for the tip I shall start cleaning those areas with vinegar maybe he will take the hit lol but I doubt it.
  2. B

    Rabbit is pooping everywhere! Please help!

    Ty for the reply. The move was about a month ago. Thats a good idea but he doesnt poop in any particular spot, he will poo everywhere he goes which is the whole house lol. I guess I will just wait to see if he stops. *crosses fingers*
  3. B

    Rabbit is pooping everywhere! Please help!

    I have a 4 year old male rabbit. I love him to death!A year ago I moved out with my friend and always kept the top part of his cage off so he could jump out and run around the house. He absolutely loved it. Loves running everywhere. The best part about it was he never ever pooped on the floor...