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  1. BEBE

    bumps under skin~~~

    hahahaha.. i know... we make you worry... thats the thing.. the bump doesn't seem to bother my bunbun too~ ahahha.. it's jsut that i am worrying about him~~~ hwhawhawhawhwhwhaw:P
  2. BEBE

    bumps under skin~~~

    nah~~ not fly strike~ but thanks for the link~ i read them and know it's NOT that... ok... what the skin feels like is.. like a patches of healed area~~~~with bumps~ and yes.. he will be in seeing the doctor next week. as long as it's not an emergency.. like fly strike etc.. we will wait...
  3. BEBE

    bumps under skin~~~

    and yes. need to say thanks to you all~ everytime when he got sick.. i am very stressful. and it's good to have someone to talk to and know what's going on~ THANKS THANKS~
  4. BEBE

    bumps under skin~~~

    Revolution is a one month thingy. we stopped using it once the fur mites are gone. i have done LOTS of research on this drug~ so far it's ok~ and he is not outdoor.. but i guess. during the summer, i bought him to the park... and that's where he got it~ Will you guys have a picture of bot...
  5. BEBE

    bumps under skin~~~

    and doctor will not be seeing him until NEXT week... errrrrrrrr...
  6. BEBE

    bumps under skin~~~

  7. BEBE

    bumps under skin~~~

    in June this baby has mites/ ticks (can't identify which). and he in on revolution (the medication) during that time, there is little dumpy thing on his skin, with crusty texture... well, guess those are the mites. and now that the mites are gone~ and........... that place where the...
  8. BEBE

    bumps under skin~~~

    what will the doctor do if it's a old biteS?
  9. BEBE

    bumps under skin~~~

    Yes.. He will be in the clinic tonight.. i will boook appointment now~~~~~~~~~`
  10. BEBE

    bumps under skin~~~

    Ok... My bunny has small patches of bumps on his skin~ - area doesn't seem any redness/ hot - on the hind legs - he does lick on it~ not able to take pictures, because its under the fur I am worry. VERY worry. does anyone have an idea ?!?!?