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  1. A

    Wobbly Molly not eating, ideas?

    Thanks BlueMoods, I appreciate the tip, and to all you others aswell=) I took Molly to a specialist in exotic animals yesterday(I finally found one), and they had two vets consult on her. The first one couldnt find anything wrong, and opted for trial and error treatment for E. Cuniculli, but...
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    Wobbly Molly not eating, ideas?

    I suppose I should elaborate on the vet situation around here a bit before you all run wild thinking I don't care enough to take my buns to a good rabbit vet, or that like DIY bun therapy. In short, there are non. The small-animal vets around here can neuter or spay rabbits, but other than that...
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    Wobbly Molly not eating, ideas?

    When my 3 year old mix bun didn't race My for the food bowl yesterday I instantly figured something was wrong. I picked her up, examined her and found nothing wrong during my quick exam. So, when there was both pellets and hay left this morning I knew there was something wrong. My("My" being my...
  4. A

    Excessive hairloss and bald spots. What is this?

    Two girls, no boys in this cage anymore=( I'm not sure the little one has even seen a male from the same species before... But if its a false pregnancy thing, I'll get her fixed as soon as I can. I can't have her go rip out her fur like that, makes me feel like a bad mummy for not having it done...
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    Excessive hairloss and bald spots. What is this?

    Thanks for the response so far=) My rabbits share cage outside yes, and the bigger rabbit mostly grooms the little ones' face around her eyes and nose, not the rest of her body usually. I'll guess I have to wait for friday and keep observing in the mean time.
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    Excessive hairloss and bald spots. What is this?

    So to make a long story short, I have two bunnies, mixed breeds, both relatively small. The youngest is 6 months and weighs +- 900g, and the other one is 2.5 years old and about 1.7 kg, so theres a bit of a size diff, but they love each other like crazy. They cuddle, groom each others fur, and...