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Rabbits Online Forum

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    keeping babies together

    I also keep the sisters from a litter together. Once in awhile you'll get a jr doe who is aggressive towards others...but often it's just a "i'm queen, you're not" thing. They usually work it out. If they don't, you have to separate. :( Usually they bond, and can stay in a modified colony...
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    Having trouble with Angoras

    Hello there :) I'm fairly new to this board, but not to Angoras. So I'll jump in a bit. I'm sure you know that it's necessary for the Angoras in particular to have fiber in the diet. I happen to free feed hay. With a gestating doe, I usually feed pellets (because it's easy to balance the...
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    Questions about breeding bonded rabbits

    Cool looking rabbitry :) About the 2 does, one kindling and one not: the first time out for the 3 does who were raised together, 2 kindled, the other one didn't take. Everything was fine. The 2 moms kindled in the same nest tunnel, the 3rd doe became "aunt Vienna". Once the kits started to...
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    Questions about breeding bonded rabbits

    I suspect that a LOT of problems are from crowding, and from the does not feeling secure in their setup. Most does in a colony will defend their burrows/tunnels quite vigorously. Usually they fill up the entrance with straw/hay/grass/whatever they can keeps the kits IN and the...
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    Questions about breeding bonded rabbits

    We have another member on our forum who has rabbits in an indoor (like horse stalls) colony on cement floors. She brings does to the buck, I think, and then provides nest tunnels for them to kindle in. There was another lady who has a huge number of rabbits in a full blown colony setup...
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    Questions about breeding bonded rabbits

    THIS is a link to a photobucket album of various bunnies in the colony. And this is a link to the picture of the nesttunnels in the colony. There used to be some ceramic chimney tunnels in the colony for them to play on, run through. but the nest tunnels turned into a playground after the kits...
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    Questions about breeding bonded rabbits

    Greetings! I'm from the other forum, and thought I'd hop over and give you my take on this :) i'll be brief to start, and if you have questions, go for it! I have 4 angora does in an indoor 8'x8' colony. Three were raised together, and have never had problems (not siblings...just raised...