Recent content by Alwasi

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  1. Alwasi

    just signed in..

    Thank you all al lot for your warm welcome! T.A Bunnies wrote: I better won´t tell them.. they are spoiled allready :biggrin2:
  2. Alwasi

    How many rabbits can fit in this cage?

    "How much bigger would it have to be for one more rabbit to be added at some point in time? " NormallyI would say at least 6m² (roundabout 66square foot... 22 sq ft per bunny).. .. but of course that is german a standart. But a lot of experiences did show, that this is a range ofspace, where...
  3. Alwasi

    The What's Your Philosophy?

    Realist 60 optimism, 48 faith, and 46 logic! Realists are the only philosophers not actively seeking answers. They are content with accepting that the world around them exists, and don't bother themselves about how we came to be. They focus on where we're going, rather than how we got here...
  4. Alwasi

    How many rabbits can fit in this cage?

    I think this looks great for two. But for two buns of the same sex, this would be a bit to small, because for them the risk is higher, that they start to fight sometimes. And than they should have more space, to avoid each other. ... and If you keep 3 bunnies, at least two of them would be...
  5. Alwasi

    just signed in..

    BrittanyandFruFru wrote: Hi there! Yes, indeed. They can go whereever they want to. At first I had a selfmade enclosure, which looked like this You know, in Germany, there are of course a lot of people, which don´t really care about the requirements of their bunnies...
  6. Alwasi

    just signed in..

    Wow, didn´t expect someone to acutally correct my english. Pretty cool! Thanx a lot. Please feel free to do so every time you are up for this. ;-) Im curious, why do you speak german? Did you spent some time over here? I see, that one of your buns is called Hossenpfeffer ... I know...
  7. Alwasi

    just signed in..

    Hi there! Ijust signed in and would like to introduce myself. I´m from Germany (so please be patient if my english sucks some times...) and I have two male Rabbits at home. I got them, when they where only a few weeks old more than 4 years ago. They live indoors without any cages...