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  1. africanbeautyusa

    When is a great time to let my bunny out?

    I allowed my bunny to run around outside in the backyard today while the kids were playing and he ran awhile and the. Tried to escape by squeezing himself through my fence. I'm guessing I shouldn't let him outside until he's a little bigger eh? Also last night I allowed him to snuggle in bed...
  2. africanbeautyusa


    Okay thanks. I only let him out for 15 minutes because he occasionally leaves his poop on the floor and I have small children that run in and out of my room. I will let him out now though throughout the night because he is running back & forth inside the cage biting the bars. LOL
  3. africanbeautyusa


    His cage is wire. I bought the wooden toys for him to chew on but he's yet to chew on them lol. How long exactly does he need to be outside of the cage? I usually just let him out for about 15 minutes.
  4. africanbeautyusa


    Hello, new bunny owner here. I have a white New Zealand bunny and I was wondering why does he chew on the cage? Is it okay to let him sleep in the bed with me? Do I need to play with him for physical activities or what? Thanks.