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  1. 2

    Two buns from Brazil...

    aurora369 wrote: Oh, ok, thanks! Now I had just realized the Photo Philes are only for group themed pics, sorry about that. I will try to take more pictures of my girls soon. And as they have a blog now, I will also write about them... Sabrina is 3 months old. She is my first bunny and she's...
  2. 2

    Two buns from Brazil...

    Here are my two girsl, the black one is Sabrina, and the white one is Alice. Alice would not cooperate with a nice front shot. :P
  3. 2

    World's Largest Rabbit

    babymaker64 wrote: :pinkbouce:Holly molly!!! Look at that big bun!!! Congrats on the big boy, he's a beauty.
  4. 2

    Putting bunnies in a trance?

    petkeeper wrote: OMG, really! I will do that right now... How fun, I guess we can find videos on YouTube about anything nowadays! LoL
  5. 2

    Sprawled bunny

    SDShorty wrote: Wow, she's such a beautiful and elegant bunny!!!
  6. 2

    Putting bunnies in a trance?

    Hmm, how convenient!!! I will try that since I haven't been able totrim Sabrina's nails yet and they are huge. Thanks!
  7. 2

    World's Largest Rabbit

    Yourillusion wrote: Here it is, you had just used an extra "http://" that's why it didn't work: He is very sweet, big white bunnies with pink ears are such a classic!!! ;)
  8. 2

    Putting bunnies in a trance?

    I read about this in a couple of websites and I even saw pics... so, what exactly *happens*to the bunny to get into this frozen behavior?
  9. 2

    World's Largest Rabbit

    Oh, yeah, and by the way, that second pic is real. Maybe the angle the pic was taken really makes the bunny look even bigger, but that's about it. Here's another. I knew about that german guys and his giant rabbits even before getting my first bunny. There are lots of stuff about him on the...
  10. 2

    World's Largest Rabbit

    Apollo seems to be a very sweet bunny! Hey folks, lets continue this thread, I LOVE big bunny pics! :biggrin2:
  11. 2

    It finally happened...

    Celestial Wind wrote: Indeed! What a BEAUTIFUL girl!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!
  12. 2

    Very first bonding experience

    Thank you everybody for the replies! Everything is being taken in consideration. I'm learning more about their personalities each day and who knows, maybe in the future these two will be bonded. ;)
  13. 2

    Very first bonding experience

    Yes, they are 2 females and they will be spayed. Sabrina is just 3 months and will be spayed next month, and Alice is just too young yet. But oh, well, maybe they will just be next door neighbors. Thanks for the reply.
  14. 2

    Very first bonding experience

    1st time yesterday wasn't so bad, today was kind of bad and short. Funny thing is it seems Alice is very dominant. I am a total newbie at rabbits and you can read my experience so far in my intro message. The tiny Alice flattened and presented herself to be groomed twice by the 3X bigger...
  15. 2

    Hello from Brazil...

    Never mind, it is on again! ;)