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mrbunny wrote:
Another fine cutie, indeed!

Thanks so much. We already have the plans in work for the Road Trip, Tues, March 20th. So can't wait to go get her and bring her home.

K :)
Well started to pull props out for my Easter Card Swap. Dobby got a kick out of it.

Hey Mom, this says Happy Spring! That means OUTSIDE run will be back in action!


OK Guys, where did you put the Jelly Beans?


My "Couch Potato" is becoming such a pleasure to have out and about with us. My husband can just call his name and say "Where are you"? and Dobby will come running to show him he's still here. It's amazing. They truly bonded this past week having Dobby out and about with my husband and Jake.

He's truly turning into such a sweet, gentleman.

K :)
Well ROAD TRIP is being planned as we speak. We have discussed when the best time to come and get Luna and it looks like Tuesday, March 20 this is the DAY!

Can't wait! Have some vacation time at work so my husband and I decided that a weekday would be the best to make the trip. We plan on starting out earlier than last time (feels like the Scuba Diving days, lol) so that we can beat the traffic in New Jersey and get through Philly.

Everything is prepared here. The small crate that Neville started out is getting a wash down. Have all the necessities for Luna, litter box, bowls, and a nice T-Shirt from Dad that the rest of them love to lay on and NOT chew. lol.

So we are pretty much ready for our Girl to come home. Truly excited to get her home and get the process of knowing her.

Neville has been a treat to have so far. What a very healthy, happy bunny he's turning out to be. He's had no problems physically as well as mentally being the age he was when he came home. There was no problem and the breeder KNEW her babies and had all the confidence of letting him go in my care. Even after a 6 hour ride, he was as calm as could be. No problems that night getting home. Except for the other drivers.

Since Neville's crate is on the floor, I've been opening his crate door and he's had a ball hopping in and out. He does it now every time. He thinks he's being a big boy. Also when he hops out, he'll explore a little and then I'll say "Ok Neville", and he will turn around and hop back in. He truly knows his crate is his own and he feels very comfortable, even coming out for the short periods.

The transition to Oxbow is final. No problems for Mr. Neville. Eating like a horse and growing in leaps and bounds. And water intact, the boy can drink! Loves our water. No ACV yet, because he's a bit too young. But he will be introduced at an older age. He does love his Wheat grass. That's the only new thing we really introduced other than hay and pellets. Wheat grass is so easily digested and so full of minerals that these little bunnies need. At first he had no clue on what to do with it, which was a laugh. But boy did he catch on. He knows now exactly what to do with the Wheat Grass. All my bunnies love it. My husband makes sure there is always a fresh supply available through hydroponics.

Willard, Kreacher and Dobby are all doing well. They are enjoying their nightly romps around the house. Letting them out longer each time and no problems. They are all gentleman. And it does help blow off steam so they can truly relax.

ZRabbits is going forward! Little at a time!

K :)
BTW, I just looked at the calendar, and it just so happens that

March 20th is:

THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING! What a way to celebrate. With a new BUNNY!

All my boys and I know my girl will look forward to all the nice weather coming their way! Already planning their garden and planning the new outside run to be bigger and better for all my bunnies.

K :)
LakeCondo wrote:
It will be interesting to find out which one of your guys will first realize that IT'S A GIRL.

The only one who will be allowed to realize she's a girl is Nevlle.

LakeCondo wrote:
Won't the others' noses tell them?
Sure, heck, Dobby and Kreacher figured out Willard was an intact male before I did. lol

All my boys are very bright. I know they'll figure it out. And we'll deal with it. If Willard gets upset, I'll get him a Wifey like Mr. Charlie. lol

K :)
Luna is beautiful and I love her name!!! Congrats! Is she going to be an indoor bunny? WIll she be housed alone or bonded?
Ruki wrote:
Luna is beautiful and I love her name!!! Congrats! Is she going to be an indoor bunny? WIll she be housed alone or bonded?
Thanks! Luna will definitely be an indoor rabbit. As her brother all are. She will have her own space but will be with the others. They all have their separate living spaces. I would never want to keep her separate from them.

I had a very bad experience with bonding Dobby and Kreacher, but will try again. A bit nervous, but I can see the benefit of bunnies playing together. Hopefully I can get Luna a friend (another doe) to see if they bond.

And another possibility I always could try bonding her with my Dobby (neutered male). He's the sweetest, most laid back bunny here, so it could work.

I don't know if my bunnies will ever live together, but I'm definitely hoping that play time on the floor can be more than one bunny at a time.

K :)

Excited for your road trip! And how fortuitous for it to be on the first day of spring! I love road trips.

Glad also to hear that Neville is transitioning to Oxbow pellets without any issues and that the rest of your buns are doing well =)
mrbunny wrote:
Excited for your road trip! And how fortuitous for it to be on the first day of spring! I love road trips.

Glad also to hear that Neville is transitioning to Oxbow pellets without any issues and that the rest of your buns are doing well =)
Thanks. We are both excited too.

Neville is doing very well. Stronger by the hour. He's is so curious, active, very alert. It's just fun to have a baby in the house and watching him mature, learn and grow has been such a gift.

Dobby and Kreacher were in the same catagory. Now they are becoming adults and such gentleman. I'm proud of them. Especially Kreacher when his first day home was a scare. He's stronger and healthier and more independent than you could ever imagine. He remains strong. And he will remain strong as the other bunnies will also. I learned tremendously from Kreacher and what he went through.

All I've learned from Dobby and Kreacher, along with Willard the rescue bunny, I've applied this to Neville and will to all my bunnies. It works for me and obviously it works for my bunnies.

What a day yesterday. On the way home last night after work, the van broke down. Just shut off. No clue why. My husband thinks it could be a coil or fuel pump. No fuel pressure or spark. Could be either one. My husband will find out later.

Anyway, called my husband who came right away. He had dinner on the stove and Dobby out and about with Jake. As he had to leave right away, he left Dobby out with Jake.

Well when I heard this, my husband could see the panic on my face. As he waited for the Flatbed, I went home. Nervously opened the door, and found Jake wagging his tail and a few steps away, Dobby looking up, saying "How's it going, and where's Dad". I was absolutely blown away. It was nothing happened and it is always like this. Dobby and Jake out and about. Just like a team that btw, is growing stronger every day. And you can see. And they proved it last night that they could trusted together.

So bunnies, all of them, got goodies last night. Along with their BIG bunny, Jake.

Believe me, don't mean to sound like I'm bragging. I am not. But I'm am just thrilled how they handled the emergency all by themselves.

My Dobby has come a long way, and he is turning out to be the House Bunny. The Big House Bunny. Never in wildest dreams would I have ever thought this was possible.

K :)
ellay wrote:
I'm so glad that Dobby and Jake were being good when left alone :)

And Luna is absolutely adorable :happybunny:

Jake and Dobbyboth totally blew me away with the bond they have made together. So, so happy. Plus they are both now bonded to my husband. My husband calls both their names and they both come running to see what he wants. Amazing.

Thanks regarding Luna, I think so too but I'm a bit prejudice.

K :)
The weather here is getting nicer each day. But it's the Mid Atlantic tease where we get a couple days in the high 60's and 70's and then it goes back to the 40's.

Anyway, my husband has been opening up the windows and airing things out. And my boys LOVE that fresh air. It's really brought out their appetites too. I've seen bunnies inhale food and water like this. I'm mean packing the hay twice a day and it's gone in no time. Plus I'm starting to cut back on the pellets too so avoid them being overweight so that's a shock to them too. They look at me at night and say "Need pellets Mom". I have to explain to a bunny that I'm watching his waist line. Well, they don't want to hear that. So Dad comes in with the greens and that seems to settle them down.

It's a shame. The bunnies only hear what they want to hear. Sound familiar? Plus it's tough seeing those pleading eyes. But I'm being strong. I have too. For their health. You just can't give into those pleading eyes. And their health in the future is more important to me for their longevity. They will get the program eventually. It's just tough when you have to make that transition from free choice to once a day, or control as my husband calls it.

My husband was out yesterday getting the backyard ready. Lots of limbs and clean up that needs to be done before we plan out our new outside run and garden. Really looking forward to spending time outside. And so are the bunnies. They love their runs inside, but there's no replacement for outside. Fresh air, grass, new scenery. Does a bunny good.

Also planning what to put in the garden this year. Want to try some new plants for the bunnies. We did really good with carrots, parsley, cilantro last year. The boys loved all of it. Especially the baby carrots and carrot tops. But looking into kale, arugula (more leafy greens). Also broccoli too. Still going over the list of veggies that are good for bunnies. Still have time before planting. Hopefully our strawberry plants yield a good crop too. Last year our bunnies were just a bit young for fruit so the wild animals, squirrels mostly got most of the crop. Now that our boys are bigger and LOVE strawberries, can't wait to see what comes up this year.

And also the plans for our Road Trip are coming together. Already took off from work so that we can go get Luna during the week rather than deal with traffic during the weekend. My husband will have me up 2:00 AM to leave at 3:00 AM. Three hours on the road we will stop for breakfast and be there around 9 or 10 AM. Hopefully this time the weather will cooperate. But with mountains, no one really knows.

Looking forward so much to seeing our Luna again. And bringing her home. That's the nervous part for me. The travel. But Neville did so well that I'm not too concerned. Just hope she does the same. And I think she will. Coming from a strong line.

Oh my goodness, she's absolutely adorable!!!!!!! She and Neville are going to make some awesome babies! The waiting has to be driving you crazy...I know it would, me. LOL

I can't wait to follow your journey on the DM Lions!
I recommend planting fennel, both for humans & rabbits. It's a perennial, though sometimes it dies down, but will come back & reseeds as well. Virtually the whole plant is edible. I often pick off a sprig & eat it while I'm gardening. After it flowers & makes seeds, you can eat them while still soft, or let them dry on the plant & save for winter. Fennel's only disadvantage is that it's tall [6 ft], so if it's in a flower bed, it has to be in the back.

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