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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2009
Reaction score
Mesa, Arizona, USA
Hey, everyone!
I think it's been about 4 years since I've been on last.

I had two Holland lop bucks. Salem, a solid black, and Schnitzel, a little BEW. Both were taken from this world far too soon, and since I couldn't afford to have necropsies done on them at the time (I was 15, and Salem was taken on my 16th birthday), I'll never know why.
But I prefer to remember the joy they brought to my life in the short time I had them. Salem was such a character with so much personality! Always springing about my room, trying to steal my snacks when I was watching movies! Haha. If I wasn't paying attention to him, he'd nibble on my pant leg. :)

Schnitzel was my cuddle bug. He was quite content with just sitting in my lap while I was surfing the web. I never tired of stroking his little nose.

After all these years, my interest in rabbits sparked back up. I would like to breed them! Thankfully, I've got several years so I can do a ton of research.
There's a local show in April I intend on going to. I want to go talk to some breeders and hopefully learn some tips, tools, and tricks of the trade! :)

So I'll be hanging around here a bit more. I'm excited to see you guys all again! :)
Welcome back to RO! I'm so sorry for the loss of your buns :(

It's great you are starting your research on breeding as it's a big decision not to be taken lightly. Are going to be showing your rabbits? Or you just want to breed pets?

I loved your buns names, btw. They are never here long enough. again sorry for your loss.
I definitely want to do some showing, but I wouldn't want to travel past local shows. (Like I wouldn't want to go to CA). But I definitely do want to get into showing rabbits. :)
I have to wait until I get a house, so I have tons of time to learn and research. :)

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