Xmas Movie Traditions

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Jul 1, 2007
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Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Does anyone else have a movie tradition for this time of year? We always watch the 1953 version of "A Christmas Carol, A Wish for Wings that Work, March of the Wooden Soldiers, Christmas Story, and We're No Angles (Bogart)". Always love the "you're gonna shoot your eye out and the Chinese restaurant scene in "Story" and thought the Alistair Simm Scrooge portrayal was the best.:adorable:
We always watch A Christmas Story... love the Chinese restaurant scene and laugh every time. I also love the dogs stealing the turkey. Reminds me of my dog although he does know not to even sniff near our food. We also watch Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph, A year Without a Santa Claus. Nightmare Before Christmas is also one of my favs but last year was the first time we let the girls see it.
The Nightmare Before Christmas is a must for us every year. We also watch the 25 days of Christmas that one of the tv stations does every year. We watch Harry Potter too.
A Christmas carol (any one will do but I like the George C. Scott one the best). A Christmas story, lol! Scrooged, miracle on 34th street (new version). And, of course:

A Charlie Brown Christmas! (I even have the tree)
Our Christmas movies that my family watched since before I was around but have since come to enjoy are "Miracle on 34th Street" the original from 1947 with Maureen O'Hara (leading lady) & Natalie Wood (her daughter in the movie). Oh, & William Frawley from the original "I Love Lucy" is in it too. No, I am not old enough to have been watching the year it came out! lol The other must watch Christmas movie "It's a Wonderful Life" with Jimmy Stewart. Others we watch but not as much, "A Christmas Carol" & "Rudolph, the Red Nosed Reindeer!" We love old movies & annimated/cartoons with the kids.
A Christmas Story--that's a tradition from my boyfriend and his mom, I never watched it until we started dating. But now it's a part of our family tradition together! :D

I try to watch the stop-motion animated films as well but I still don't have a DVD copy and they're not on Netflix. The one movie I want to watch as a tradition is called The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus but most files I've found are of the stop-motion one not the newer (90s, I think) animated version. It was a favorite growing up.
We like the 1953 Alastair Simm version of "Christmas Carol" the best and it also has "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" on the disc. We also watch the Lampoon Xmas movie, but usually more than once a year.

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