Why do you love your bun?

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2013
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Does anyone else think the sound of their buns munching on hay is relaxing or am I just weird? I go to sleep to this sound, and I wake up to it. I am listening to it right now. I think Zero is trying to eat the whole bowl of timothy hay! I got stuck in the infirmary section of the site and it gave me too much more to worry about so I decided to focus on why I love my bun.

Edited to add: I also love his shaggy hair coat, I know it's now how it's supposed to be but I love it anyway.

I love watching them eat! And especially drinking. I love to see their little mouth and tongues lapping up the water. It's just so cute! I love to see them happy and doing all their bunny tricks, and I love when they flop down when they are tired, cause I know that they feel safe with me :)

Zero's fuzzy coat might not have to do with nutrition, but his breeding. It's possible he has angora or maybe jersey wooly in his genetics.
Zero is getting really good at weaving his cones, when I set them up he starts running around them trying to figure out what I want him to do. The boy is still eating! He's closing in on 600 grams. We do a bunny dance where I put my fingers in his cage and I rock him back and forth and sing, he's my bunny he's my bunny he gets so excited he licks my fingers like a crazy man. (Okay so that is weird LOL) I just love this guy and his little antics. I suppose you are right, there is no way of knowing I am glad he likes being combed and he's a pretty laid back guy.

The first time Zero flopped in front of me I nearly had a heart attack, I was staring at him all day because he was acting weird then he just flipped over on his back! After the terrifying hypoglycemic episode with him I am traumatized.
Yes it is relaxing when they chew! I was just saying this to my husband last night! Lol!
I love when Sophie is doing her binky jump and the way she shakes her lion mane back and forth as she's jumping, it's soooo cute:)
I also love when she closes her eyes when I'm petting her fur and I feel the tooth purr! I also love how when I present her veggies to her how she throws them around in reckless abandonment just to get to the cilantro first hahaha!
I love working on gaining their trust. It is beyond amazing when a rabbit trusts you enough to fall asleep in your arms...only happened with Sugar once, but it was magical. Then my mother walked into the room and startled him awake. >.< Now I'm using good old-fashioned bribery; nothing glues a bunny to your side faster than Craisins! I'm even training him a little bit, starting with "sit pretty" (it's easy enough to get a rabbit to stand on its hind legs), and plan to work up to "come," "up," "off," and a few other easy commands. After my dog passed away I decided that Sugar was my "new dog," and all dogs need training! :)
Lorelei, search BunnyTraining on YouTube for fun ideas. Zero is learning to weave cones, go up and down pet stairs, I taught him how to use the stairs to get on my bed which was a BAD idea! The little stinker is always under foot, he won't play unless I am totally ignoring him. He sits up all the time, he is a shameless beggar! (Dogs seem to resort to this too) His recall is better than both my dogs. I need to get a photo of Z "sitting pretty" with my Chihuahua that would be adorable.

Bunnies are awesome! I just love them :)
Lorelei, search BunnyTraining on YouTube for fun ideas. Zero is learning to weave cones, go up and down pet stairs, I taught him how to use the stairs to get on my bed which was a BAD idea! The little stinker is always under foot, he won't play unless I am totally ignoring him. He sits up all the time, he is a shameless beggar! (Dogs seem to resort to this too) His recall is better than both my dogs. I need to get a photo of Z "sitting pretty" with my Chihuahua that would be adorable.

Bunnies are awesome! I just love them :)
I love my rabbit because I got him when he was a baby, he is 12 now! Many of those years he was my only companion. He is spoiled no cage he has his own room and is litter box trained. Brent
Wow, lucky bun! I didn't realize they lived that long :).
I love listening and watching them eat hay especially the long strands when it looks like they´re eating spaghetti lol.

I also love it when they binky and when they rush over when I open the bag of craisins and when they flop out right in front of you cos they are so comfy in their little home. And best of all, I even love the naughty things they do, they brighten up my day and bring me joy every day and I hope they all live to a ripe old age.
I love listening to him nibble and crunch through his hay, hearing and seeing him lick his mouth after dunking his face in his water bowl. I love how he plays chase with me, when he binkys or flops and looks so peaceful and I can see his very white belly. I love when he comes running up to greet me when I still have only one foot over his gate and when he shivers. I love when he shakes in joy and flaps his ears together when I laugh at his silly antics. I love when we just lie on the floor next to each other and when he lays his head on the floor for nose rubs and starts to tooth purr. Or when he uses me for a jungle gym, when he tries to eat my hair although I have explained a thousand times to him that he cannot eat it or when he nose bonks me whether for attention or because I am in his way. I love feeding him hay or pellets or veggies. There is nothing I do not love about him. He makes me at the very least smile each and every day.
I really don't know. Truth is my love for buns only happened in recent years. Now I'm mystified, why do I like watching them eat, watching them laze about, petting them, trying to play with them (the only game they seem to like with me is feed me, pet me or stay away from me :)) and just having them around. Since this began I have studied rabbit behavior, breeds, caretaking and such voraciously and can't get enough. It's perplexing, before this no one would have defined me as a pet person, but now I'm fully committed to loving buns.
I'm in the same boat as Troller. Just kind of ended up with one and now have three.

Shya -some one has to love her
Kai- he's just so cute and easy to love
Franklin- He's so snugly and understands I have anger issues.

And come on who doesnt love a good binky?
Love the responses, makes me think of even more reasons to love my bunny. My sister and I had a colony of bunnies (long story) when we were younger that we "rescued" from deplorable circumstances but I haven't had one as a pet since. Pagal Zero is very much like your bun he is always right near me and literally climbs up my leg so that I will pick him up and hold him. Last night I was sitting on the floor he climbed up in my arms, as I was stroking him we were both falling asleep until he kicked out his back feet to stretch out. Which woke me up then I noticed he had horrible static from my petting him I wished I had my phone nearby. It was hilarious and he wasn't bothered at all with me making it worse.

One thing I have always loved that Zero does is he loves scratches its like a mutual grooming. I scratch him all over, he used to roll around and lick my hands, and open his little toes. Now he just turns to mush and licks like crazy.
Attached is a picture of Zero when I first got him, he was ill and hypoglycemic but he still was loving his scratches. He was probably 8 or 9 days old as his eyes were just starting to open. This is an old photo, he was an orphaned bunny. He is now a thriving 8 week old guy.

Wow I forget how far we have come until I see pics of him when we first started, I am amazed at how strong this guy is and grateful to have him in my life. So glad I didn't give up on him when it got tough and it would have been easier to just euthanize and say I did my best.

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I love listening and watching them eat hay especially the long strands when it looks like they´re eating spaghetti lol.

I think that too! I call Sophie, "Sophie Spaghetti" when she does that lol too cute!
I love my Ash because he is so friendly. And because he binkies, and shakes his head and flaps his ears together, and I love listening to him munch hay, and I love that he grooms me, I love watching his antics, I love how he makes me laugh. I love almost everything about him. :)
Zeroshero...awww Zero sounds wonderful. That's the only thing I wish were different about Thumper is that he doesn't cuddle. Then I could say he was perfect but I still love him so much and I am happy with him the way he is. In every other way he shows he likes me. I guess it might be for the best because I would have a hard time getting anything done if he would snuggle.
There are many reasons, but the main one is, he gives me a reason to exist. Ok, that sounds emo, but it's true! I also love his rolls.

I love Nermal and her binkies, and her shy, ninja ways.
I love Spike because he always makes me smile. He is such a loving little dude. He wants to be with me all the time and follows me everywhere I go. He loves to sit on my feet so I won't leave (though, that can cause almost kicks so I have learned to walk super slow and cautious). He is incredibly stubborn. If he doesn't like something, he litterally flings it away. When he is done with his food dish, he either shoves it back at me or tries to hide it from me. He sleeps all day in a cat tent. He goes in at around 10am and refuses to leave till like 7. He loves to give kisses and snuggle. I love him because I could be having the worst day in the world, but I come home to him and it all gets better.

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