What to name this lil guy?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2009
Reaction score
, New York, USA
Sorry I havent been on in a while guys! Alot has been going on, I had to give Willow, Thunder and the other Babies to a family friend, there is a wild male rabbit running around here and he keeps getting into there pen and dad doesnt want anymore pregnant rabbits lol. But I got to keep a buck from Willow's last litter and he needs a name!!

Any ideas?! I would like something unique ;)


PS. Dont you just LOVE the ears? :biggrin2:
I do LOVE his ears! he is absolutely gorgeous...

Um I don't know what kind of names you like... what about Ash/e (with or without the e), it's a bit more original than Smokey or Sooty.

I was just reading another thread that is looking for names for a buck, what about Dustin? I like this name because I love a singer called Dustin Kensrue (he is from the US, feel free to look him up!)

The other name that comes to mind is Tobias.... feel free to consider or dismiss any of these suggestions! I won't take it personally.
How about Char? I thought of that after someone said he looked like he stuck his nose in the fireplace.

Meep, Gordon, Hester (a rabbit in the His Dark Materials series), Blingo, Marvin, Dunsford.

Lol, I'm trying to stick with your unique request. ;)
I'm not good with names but he's absolutely GORGEOUS!!! I love his coloring.

Snowball03-- I like the name Smokey :)
I think he Really suits Char.

Plus, I don't think I have ever met any other bunny with that name!

He's too adorable. :)
KatieRenee33 wrote:
Lol I like Ash too, but Does that sound like a girl name??? I also liked Char

I know two men called Ashley that are known as Ash... so I guess it depends on who you know. I think Ash is more manly than Ashley because I have known girls called Ashley. It's up to you really...

another way to look at it is Ash is what is felt after a fire... what could be more masculine? haha
the first name i think of is butter when i see him..

i like char though

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