what other interests do you have besides rabbits?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2007
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Auckland, , New Zealand
aside from bunnies of course, i'm curious to know what everyone does for fun, hobbies, interests, etc?

mine are:

knitting (i'm always knittingscarveslol)

reading (mostly spirituality stuff, the bible, study of angels, the afterlife, etc but i also love true crime, forensic pathology, criminal psychology, paranormal, autobiographies, and chick lit).

walking (it's the best for clearing your mind)

watching documentaries (my favourites are real crime, sensing murder, autopsy with dr baden, and also dr g: medical examiner. in NZ we're launching a new crime tv channel soon, i can't wait!)

singing (i used to sing lead in a band but had to take some time out. i'm got more free time now so i will be getting back into it)

sleeping (i'm very good at this)

watching dvd's (i have about 100 of them and my family use my room like it's a video store, i should charge them a $2 hire free)

thunderstorms (it's not something i do, obviously, but i LOVE thunder and lightning and heavy rain and everytime i see in the weather report that a storm is on the way, i get so excited lol. i listen to a thunderstorm cd everynight in bed, otherwise i can't sleep).

so yes, those are my interests. yes i am a total nerd :)

I do some writing, some sewing/embroidering and other crafty things (like the stuff I made for my fundraiser), I read A LOT, and I recently got into photography (nothing fancy, just bunnies and mountains mostly).
oohh, embroidery! is it hard? i would love to try it but i don't want to buy all the stuff then find out it's really hard to do lol. i tried cross stitch but it wasn't my thing. do you have any photos of your embroidery? would love to see it :)
I don't have any photos as of yet, but I'm sure I could find something that I did to photograph. I really like embroidery, I'm not the best at it and I don't know a lot of different stiches. I usually don't follow patterns, I just make it up as I go along or draw on the fabric in pencil. Basically all you need is some kind of cloth (muslin is best for beginners) embroidery floss and embroidery needles (make sure they are embroidery needles, not just sewing needles) and your imagination!
When I'm not at work, I'm usually at home, sitting in front of my computer or just spending time with my aminals. I'm not a people person and tend to be a bit anti-social lol. I enjoy reading, mostly nonfiction about the Vietnam War and World War 2. I'm also a fan of true crimes (I did name my cat after a serial killer ;))
I LOVE horses. And I also ride them too. I also work for a harness racing trainer,they are awesome! Really nice and sweet people who love me. :)I love to help them out on the farm to get them ready to be jogged. And the good part is when we are all done I can ride a few of the riding horses that are there! It is really fun and I have a blast. As soon as when I graduate I'll probably will help them full time which I can't wait!

Also I love taking pictures just about horses or animals or farms. I also love to listen to music.And when I listen to music in the care I love to blast it loud.

But basically besides rabbits it is all HORSES! haha :p

I like drawing, and sculpting and such ;) (Actually, I'm going to start in an art college in a couple weeks. My major will be illustration)
I used to write a lot, too... (Creative writing... stories) but I don't so much anymore :?

As for animals....
Actually... :p Don't get me wrong, I do love rabbits, but my real passion is dogs. I have three different breed encyclopedias (You know...the huge ones that are all "Over 400 different breeds! ") and used to subscribe to DogFancy (I don't anymore because it's expensive :( ) ....I can also recognize on sight almost any breed of dog, and can usually identify what mix a mutt is ;) Loooove dogs so much. I can't have one right now, but I'm definitely going to get one once I'm in the right situation. (Either a Shiba Inu or an Akita ((The Japanese, not American one)) depending on my situation)

But my favourite animals of all time are wolves ;)

Other than that... I don't really have a life, haha. I'm pretty darn good at DDR, though.

~Diana and Butter
okiron wrote:
I'm also a fan of true crimes (I did name my cat after a serial killer ;))

oh oh, let me guess! um...dahmer? bundy? gacy? gein? rader? fish? kemper? lopez? west?i would say manson but he wasn't a serial killer. in fact, he never killed anyone, he just brain washed people into doing it for him.

i orginally named all my five fish after serial killers butmy mum got upset with me for it lol so now they are called knife, fork, spoon, plate, and cup.

girlzilla wrote:
okiron wrote:
I'm also a fan of true crimes (I did name my cat after a serial killer ;))

oh oh, let me guess! um...dahmer? bundy? gacy? gein? rader? fish? kemper? lopez? west?i would say manson but he wasn't a serial killer. in fact, he never killed anyone, he just brain washed people into doing it for him.

i orginally named all my five fish after serial killers butmy mum got upset with me for it lol so now they are called knife, fork, spoon, plate, and cup.
YAY someone else who is as intereasted in serial killers as much as I am! :biggrin2:
Butterfinger wrote:
I like drawing, and sculpting and such ;) (Actually, I'm going to start in an art college in a couple weeks. My major will be illustration)
it would be great to see some of your illustrations! you could design rabbit tattoos for people ;) my sister is incredible at drawing but she doesn't do much of it anymore. i designed my own little character a few years ago and have dozens of comic strip illustrations of him getting up to various nonsense:)

okiron wrote:
YAY someone else who is as intereasted in serial killers as much as I am! :biggrin2:
hehe. i usually don't admitto beingobsessed with serial killers because most people think it's weird or creepy. i just find the psychology of serial killers absolutely fascinating. i wanted to be a forensic pathologist or a criminal psychologist but i couldn't be arsed putting in the hard work (hey, at least i'm honest). i always found tag-team serial killers interesting too (ie, paul bernadro and karlahomolka, fred and rose west).

do you have a particular serial killer that fascinates you the most? i would say i'm most interested in jeffrey dahmer and john wayne gacy. there's a documentary on tv tomorrow night on jeffrey that i will be watching.
girlzilla wrote:
do you have a particular serial killer that fascinates you the most?

I study up on everything Jack the Ripper, he's really the first publicized serial killer and it's "fun" to learn about. But really I find them ALL intereasting, I'll always stop to watch a serial killer documentary if it's on tv.
yeah i've always been interested in jack the ripper. they had a theory that he may have been a doctor due to how skillfully his victims were, er, sliced. have you seen the movie, from hell? it's quite good.

want to know an interesting jack the ripper fact? in the area he haunted, white chapel in london, all the roads were paved with cobblestones. anyone walking along the roads late at night could be heard due to their echoing footsteps. this meant that it was difficult for police to sneak up on jack the ripper and catch him in the act because he could probablyalways hear them coming. so the police decided to strap rubber padding to the soles of their shoes so that they could sneak around the streets without being heard. they still didn't catch him, but this is how sneakers were invented. seriously. cool eh?

whenever anyone asks me who i would like to meet if i could meet anyone in the world, i always say jack the ripper, so i could find out who he really was lol
girlzilla wrote:
yeah i've always been interested in jack the ripper. they had a theory that he may have been a doctor due to how skillfully his victims were, er, sliced. have you seen the movie, from hell? it's quite good.

want to know an interesting jack the ripper fact? in the area he haunted, white chapel in london, all the roads were paved with cobblestones. anyone walking along the roads late at night could be heard due to their echoing footsteps. this meant that it was difficult for police to sneak up on jack the ripper and catch him in the act because he could probablyalways hear them coming. so the police decided to strap rubber padding to the soles of their shoes so that they could sneak around the streets without being heard. they still didn't catch him, but this is how sneakers were invented. seriously. cool eh?

whenever anyone asks me who i would like to meet if i could meet anyone in the world, i always say jack the ripper, so i could find out who he really was lol

That's another one to go into the random S*** jar ;)

I don't think that Jack was a doctor, anatomy books were readily available at the time and a big deal so everyone knew about it. Have you read Patricia Cornwell's Portrait of a Killer? it's a really good jack the ripper book. She thinks that he was William Sickart (think I spelled that right...) he was an artist.
i love patricia cornwell, not so long ago i read post mortem. was good.

i wonder if jack the ripper was actually another prostitute, just killing off the competition? you would have to have a very strong stomach. i can't handle the sight or smellof blood, it makes me go :vomit:(which is one reason i couldn't be a forensic pathologist).
My main passion is, and will always be, horses. I have ridden for years and just recently started loaning my own horse which is fantastic. I love everything about them, from caring for them, to riding out in the country, to competing them, to watching big competitions as a bystander.

I also love reading and creative writing, as a kid I used to write stories every day, (although they were mostly about animals in some way or another.:biggrin2: ) I also love drama, including acting and going to the theatre. Although asI studied drama for the last two years I have become a bit of a critic whenever I watch plays now.;)

I also love arty stuff, anything arts and crafts, frommaking things to painting or sketching-I love it!:biggrin2:

I would also love to get into photography one day, if I save up enough for a nice fancy camera!:p

Some of my passions and/or hobbies are:

Horses - (love to attempt riding, though I rarely get the chance)...someday I want to be a horse mom!

Dogs - I've always had a dog in my life...except for two short periods when I lived in housing that wouldn't allow them. I have a huge affinity for them, and them for me, it seems. Would love to someday own a beagle

Rabbits - I've always had a passion for rabbits...from the time I had my very first, a little blue dutch doe named Brandy. If I had the time and the room, I'd have a ton of bunnies! Continental giant would be a definite (I first learned of that breed here on the forum), perhaps a Flemmie or two, veleveteen lop, mixed breeds, and of course...English lops...:inlove:

Sketching - I used to sketch a lot when I was in my late teens/early twenties, but it sort of fell by the wayside. I keep saying I'll take it up again some day...

Writing - I have a passion to become a writer, but have a very bad habit of procrastinating. One thing I do want to pursue - even if it's only for myself in the end - is to write Raph's story, sort of a tribute to him

I also love watching good films. Almost any genre, as long as the movie itself is well done. Love romance, drama, mystery, horror, comedy (though I find that a good horror (less gore, more fright-factor) and a good comedy are hard to find). I guess it's not surprising that my son wants to someday be a film director...some of me must've rubbed off on him after all ;)

Interests tend to also be in spiritual subjects...not religion, but just sitting and chatting about soul connections, the mysteries of life, synchronicities, angels, ghosts, the unseen, the law of attraction, past lives...etc. etc.

Love cycling, gardening, walking the dog...all of the ordinary things in life that just are good for the spirit

And my dream in life is to someday live in the country in an old Victorian house, take in/rescue animals who are in dire straits and find them good homes, become steadfast at writing, have a huge vegetable garden, a horse, dogs, rabbits, etc....


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