What am I? The bunny rescue?!?!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2009
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Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA
The lady that I bought Ebony and Clover from wants me to take another bunny.

It's a solid blue torte lionhead. His(or her) mom is a $400 show bunny with many legs and a long pedigree that's full of champions. But, she's not a very good mommy. Every litter that she's had, she's killed. But this lucky little fella was rescued in the nick of time...sorta.

The mom has succeeded in nibbling both the little babies ears off, and Jennifer wanted me to take him because she knows that he won't sell because of his missing ears.

Of course, with my extra weak heart, I agreed. The only thing that I don't think is right is that she wants me to buy him from her for $20.

I don't mind at all, but I just think it's wierd.

Anyways, the little guy(along with 2 other orphans) are now being fostered to another bunny(who coincidentally is the mother to Ebony and Clover). I'm now just sitting back and waiting for the day to go pick up my earless hopper.

Here's a pic. And sorry, it's not very good, but I got it off of her site(he's circled):


welcome to the club--we were on a list at three animal shelters and four vet offices--everytime they had some one with a bunny--found, rescue or whatever, they would call us. we worked with several others and a couple of rescue groups and had to stop taking in bunnies--ran out of room when we got to 16..It ended being 17 though. Came home from the vet after a well-check of a new rescue and there was another bunny on our front lawn--back to the vets again. She's a really sweet bunny, but doesn't like women and will growl and attack, so Larry and our son Daniel get to handle her.
Yes, I agree, welcome to the club :D You'll get a good reputation for taking these bunnies very quickly :)

If you have the space/accommodation, can afford them financially/physically/emotionally, then go for it. I can't wait to see pics of the little guy :D
I agree, go for it :)

I do think it's a bit 'off' that she's asking you to take him because he won't sell, yet she's expecting you to buy him. Still, who knows what will happen to him if you don't take him :(

Look forward to seeing this little guy.

I would say you would take him but see if you can get out of paying.
JadeIcing wrote:
I would say you would take him but see if you can get out of paying.
I agree. That seems kind of crazy she asked you to take him because she can't sell him and then wants you to pay for him. She should be happy the bunny is going to a good home.
Did the rabbit get any medical treatment that she's trying to cover with the "adoption fee"? Honestly, what's 20 bucks anyway.. for her, I mean. Really, even if he got vet care, 20 covers nothing, so why bother charging it? I paid 20 for my dutch because she was a "pet quality" rabbit and the breeder couldn't use her for showing/breeding, but she was perfectly healthy. I think it's wrong for her to ask for money for this rabbit, considering the circumstances, and she already knows you will give the bun a good home, so it's not a security measure. I think she's just trying to make somewhat of a profit off of this failed litter. I hope she doesn't plan to breed this rabbit again, given the outcome, and I'm glad you are here to care for the poor little baby.
I actually am going to take him. And I'm not even letting the $20 bother me. Yeah, it's unfair, but she can refuse to give him to me without any sort of a payment first. So I'm willing to pay the $20 to save his life.

And about the mom, she said that this was her like, 5th litter I believe and this little guy was the only survivor she's ever had from her. And I think she should stop breeding her, but she said she's going to continue to try because she can make 150-200 dollars off the babies, which is dumb in my perspective.
That's great Emily that you are going to take the bunny. And that you have such a great attitude about paying the $20. The bunny will be so appreciative for you doing this. You will be giving him such a great life. He is a lucky bun.

That is sad she is going to breed again after 5 failed litters.

But seriously, she said that this 'Killing the babies' thing is hereditary. Which means whatever does she has will more than likely kill thier young too.

And I'm not trying to be judgmental, but her rabbitry was disgusting. Her bunnies were scrunched up in these small, rusty wire cages. And inside her house was even worse. She had bunnies living on thier own manure. It was terrible. And the smell was so peircing.

This woman clearly had her hands full.
I know this sounds really bad, but I would seriously consider just contacting a rescue group or the RSPCA just to let them know they might want to go round and check her out.

Perhaps a visit from someone like that will make her clean up her act and start acting responsibly.

I know it's a bit of a harsh thing to do, but no animal should be treated in that way, and even if it sounds a bit dramatic, I would personally still do it.

I think she needs a good talking to- she's potentially killed maybe 25 baby bunnies, and intends to casually let more die, just so she can make some money for her pocket.
And the way she is treating her rabbits atm is absolutely disgusting behaviour. She deserves to be charged for cruelty, if she doesn't change her ways immediately, to expert conditions and treatment.

Congrats on taking the bun! Good for you. I can't wait to see pics of this cutie!:)
I was thinking I should report her because I have seen many cases like her because I work at a shelter myself and in noway like to see animals in that situation.

But I'll keep you posted on the bunny and the woman's rabbitry.

I hope everything turns out okay :)
Good on you for helping this little baby, I really hope this woman cops on and cleans up her act and her rabbitry.
Wonderful of you to save him. In regards to her rabbitry do you have a version of the RSPCA in the USA? It is an organisation here that you can report animal cruelty to, and they will go and inspect and confiscate/press criminal charges against the owners.

In this case, if her place was a disgusting as you say, I would be reporting her.

Again well done for taking the little guy, poor soul not having any bun ears :(
Yes, we have plenty of ASPCA's and Humane Societies here in the U.S.

I already reported her confidentially and they inspected her place, gave her a warning, and she had to clean up her place.

I went back yesterday to do a check-up on the bunny and her place was spotless!

I'm kind of proud of her.
Thanks! Yeah, I feel as if I've done the right thing by the helpless buns.
The cages however haven't changed. But she said that she's saving up money to build them some new ones.

I hope she goes through with it.

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