Wendell the Wandering Wabbit's Travel Blog

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Congratulations on the new bunnies! The one on the right looks like he was born to wear that collar - I'd call him "Jeeves" if he were mine. He looks like the perfect butler from PG Wodehouse's stories. That would make the other one "Bertie", of course.
MikeScone wrote:
Congratulations on the new bunnies! The one on the right looks like he was born to wear that collar - I'd call him "Jeeves" if he were mine. He looks like the perfect butler from PG Wodehouse's stories. That would make the other one "Bertie", of course.

I second that! He does look like he was made for a bow tie! They're so adorable, congratulations!
*squee!* Your bunnies are so cute! What a lovely way to welcome them into the family but a visit with Wendall.

Wow, so many lights! How does anyone sleep at night? I think I would go crazy in a place that populated. I go a bit squirly in the suburbs when I can't get away after a while.

I also agree with the names, he was born to wear a bowtie. :)
The new bunnies are adorable! And I love the pumpkin carving of a bunny. Very cool :dude:
Can't wait to see what mike and Natasha have in store for Wendell!
Love seeing Wendell's travels!
I have just caught up with Wendells travels. Christina, I was so sorry to hear of your sad loss of Timmy. I love your new bunnies, they look so smart in their bowties!
Wendell the Wandering Wabbit has arrived in Central New York!


He arrived in Ithaca none the worse for wear from his trip across the country from California, bearing some Oxbow treats as a hostess gift for Natasha. Sherlock and Watson also enclosed a nice note for Natasha.

I introduced him to some of the bunnies in the collection in my office. This is a sculpture of Scone that my father made some years ago:

Wendell found out that this bunny was from Sicily. Wendell says his name is "Luigi" - first I'd heard of it.

This bunny carving was done by a Native American carver near Santa Fe, New Mexico - Wendell seemed quite taken by her.

Wendell's setting in, now, but I'm sure he'll be posting soon.
Wendell here... I'm in Central New York, now, and my host MikeScone suggested that rather than his describing my visit, it would be better if I get my own account so I can post directly to my blog. So, here I am!


I had a bouncy sort of trip from California. My box was comfortable enough, but that automatic sorting machinery - ugh! Anyway, things settled down, and I heard someone cutting the tape on my box. The top opened, and it was very bright. I looked out... EGADS! What a shock!


After my little woolen heart stopped pounding, I found that this was my host for the week or so I'll be here. He said his name was Mike, but everyone knew him as MikeScone. He showed me around his office and introduced me to some very nice bunnies he had around the plate rail on his wall (why does a law office have a plate rail?). You can see the pictures in his post above. He turned out to be an OK sort of person, once you got used to him...

After work we went from his office to his warren, where he gave me a tasty snack to eat.

After that, I was introduced to two of the bunnies who share the warren with Mike - a grey and white rabbit named "Borders" and a rather full-figured beauty named "Butter". We got along famously.


All of a sudden a soft-furred beauty appeared - Natasha Rabbitova!


She came closer and spoke to me - "how about we ditch these two, and get some time by ourselves?"


How could I say no? It turned out we have a lot in common.


We shared a few stalks of parsley in a quiet little place around the corner...


Then, while Natasha went to use her litter box and freshen up, Mike took me into his lap to watch some television. He said the first show was called "Emergency!" - I didn't understand it much, but both Natasha and I were really interested in the funny noises when the big red boxes went across the screen. There was a lot of yelling by people in funny hats... not really a bunny thing, to be honest, but I watched to be polite.


Then, a show came on that I could really sink my teeth into, so to speak. It was called "Iron Chef" - I might not know much about emergencies, but I know a pot of carrots when I see one!


It was getting late, so we went into the back room to check e-mail and read my blog. I got set up with my new account... and here I am!


I'm off to bed, now - I'll post again soon!
I'm so glad to see he arrived safely. I told him how gorges Ithaca was so he's got his hopes up! Sherlock and Watson miss him already!
Mike.....er, I mean Wendell, I'm so enjoying your blog so far. It is GREAT that you included a picture of your host Mike in your journeys. I really like seeing the humans behind the scenes :)

Natasha seems to be warming up to you already. Can't wait to see what else is in store for you :)
Ahaha, great posts, Mike and Wendell! Looks like Wendell and Natasha Rabbitova have hit it off in a major way. Who wouldn't fall for the beautiful Natasha, though?

Wendell, does Mike have any awesome adventures planned for you? Please remember to behave yourself, whatever you do!

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