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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2006
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Deep South, Texas, USA
Some school districts in the Rio Grande Valley (where I live in Deep South Texas) are considering canceling school on Friday because it's going to be around 28 at 7 am. I'm sorry. I know that's cold but come on! You guys up north go to school in way worse right? This is definitely not a cold weather area. We can put up with 120 degree heat but anything lower than 60 is kind of cold. HAHA! I've lived north, south, east and west so I know how to deal with any weather but maybe its not such a bad idea. People don't know how to drive in RAIN let alone frozen stuff called ice. hehe...

Anyway, what's the worst weather you've gone to school in?

Well we're due to get 12 inches of snow over the next 36 hours and they are saying windchills of 15 below zero by Friday...and as of last I heard the school district that I work for is planning on being open. We're 75miles SW of chicago, il
Well, one year a heat wave caused school to close since our A/C went out. We were out for a week. :biggrin2: As far as cold weather, if they even think we might get a snowflake, school is cancelled. Luckily, I'm home schooled now so I don't have to deal with it.
I'm gonna sound like someone's old grandpa here....but oh well.

When Art & I were first married 30 years ago - we were at a college in Presque Isle, Maine. We lived about a mile away and one winter our car went out - we had to walk to school (and home again) every day.

I remember walking through snow that had been piled up on the sidewalks (to avoid Main Street) and the snow was up past my hips at times.

That was cold....and hard.

I don't know the temperatures - but I do remember the first time I tried to go through a drift (there was no real way around it) and the snow went above my pants and got my shirt snowy a bit.
Temperature-wise, schools up here in the North will only possibly close when it is below 30 C....-22 F. Ice, storms and windchill change things drastically.
Add on some windchill, and I can remember it being around the -35-38 C mark... -34 to folks using Fahrenheit.
Don't even get me started on windchill!

Snowbanks taller than me sometimes... the snow plows would just pile everything up on the sidewalks:p. Then, we would just walk on the road to school. Sometimes there would be a well-beaten trail across the river (with HUGE steep banks) that I would cross in the morning. Did that daily from grade 1 to grade 6.. I remember going to school in the dark, and coming home in the dark.

I bet you Texas folks can take the heat a lot better than I can, though :)
I've gone to school for a whole week when it was about 6 degrees and that is cold for WA. I have also gone to school when there are several inches on snow on the ground.
Ok I live in the Prairies of Canada and it gets cold. I believe the only time the schools close is if the Wind chill it's -50. I can't remember many times I didn't have to go to school. I only lived a block away from the elementary school so we had to walk in the cold and stay outside till the bell rang.
I think in my entire school life, there were about 2 or 3 snow days. One of them there were about 3ft of snow and I was in grade 3. I don't exactly remember any after that.
The school boards here will keep schools open in -40[sup]o[/sup]C/F, blizzards, flooding rain, heat, etc. The catholic schools were open until a few days before Christmas.
If the schools around here closed when it was cold, they would never be open. I don't know the exact conversion, but I think that 28[sup]o[/sup]F is about -5[sup]o[/sup]C. That is considered warm here at this time of year.
Schools don't close when it's cold
Unless he heaters are out.
and, you literally have to be snowed into your house until they close schools for that.
I guess I shouldn't tell you folks then that if we get an inch (or maybe its 2 inches?) of snow here - they not only close the schools but shut down the roads/highways too.
Well we have 6inches of white fluffy stuff...about 50 ft visibility in some areas if not less and we drove them in to school to get home warm up and have school call us and tell us they're dismissing early so please come back...so off I go back out into this ROFL
The only time they cancelled school for just plain too cold when I was a kid in Michigan (southeast MI) was when it was -20F.
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
You American's are funny. Can't handle a little bit of cold or snow. Everything has to close down. LOL
I agree, I never understood what "snow days" were when Americans talked about them. Why would you close because it snowed? If that was the case canada would be shut down for 8 months of the year,lol.

I can understand countries or states where they dont' normally get lots of snow, as it can be very dangerous to drive if you don't know how to drive in the snow or dont' have equipment to clear the roads. But whats up with the northern states where they get just as much snow and cold as canada. Wimps!

Plus, dont' you just have you make up those school days anyways? Whats fun about that?
Many schools in the country (Ireland), are closed because of the snow and cold weather

Its -5 to -10 (celcius) across the country
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
You American's are funny. Can't handle a little bit of cold or snow. Everything has to close down. LOL
We have an inch of snow here today and the grocery stores and EMPTY. Everyone flipped out and cleared out the canned food isles. All the schools are closed and there have been so many wrecks, it's unbelievable. :shock:
degrassi wrote:
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
You American's are funny. Can't handle a little bit of cold or snow. Everything has to close down. LOL
I agree, I never understood what "snow days" were when Americans talked about them. Why would you close because it snowed? If that was the case canada would be shut down for 8 months of the year,lol.

I can understand countries or states where they dont' normally get lots of snow, as it can be very dangerous to drive if you don't know how to drive in the snow or dont' have equipment to clear the roads. But whats up with the northern states where they get just as much snow and cold as canada. Wimps!
We don't get them often very rare actually. It also differs from one town to the next. Growing up every surrounding town would have a snow day and we were still going to school. Most we got was an hour or two delay.:grumpy:
Like Ali said, it matters a lot on your town and the school district it serves. I grew up in a rural school district that was very large and many of the country roads far out on the school bus route would get drifted over when the wind blew snow. That and ice storms were all that really led us to cancel school. Madison public schools seem to shut down less often than the surrounding suburb schools. We're getting 4-6 inches of snow today and I'm at work. I even biked here! It's 22F. University is still open, not sure about public schools.

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