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Hope bun is making progress. She is the bun my daughter and I rescued on a nice hot humid July evening this year.

For a long time, if I opened her cage door she would run to the back. Then she slowly started taking treats from me through her cage door. Hope eventually made it up to letting me give her pets in the morning when I put food in her dish.

Last night I opened her cage door to get her out for some petting and she ran to the back of her cage, but when I reached in to pick her up she did not run away and let me bring her out to the living room. I gave her pets for an hour and a half before I put her back.

I think she is learning to trust people again.
I think she is learning to trust people again.

Isn't that the most wonderful feeling in the world, when you can see an animal letting go of its fear and learning to trust you? Kudos to you and Karen for giving such an awesome gift to Hope. :hearts:
Well its been awhile since I have posted. All the bunny's are doing well, been trimming bunny nails for the last couple of days. 14 bunny's times 4 paws equals a lot of bunny nails to trim.

Here are a couple of pictures of Miss Hope our summer rescue bun.




We had a nice Thanksgiving day and ate alot of good food and had fun with the family.

My wife (wabbitmom12) told me she had not seen anything in the black Friday flyers that we needed to go out and get in line for. That was until 9pm on Thanksgiving day when she spotted something for my daughter.

We first went to Walmart and it was packed, people staked out various skids of tv's, toys etc. I decided that it was not worth being trampled on to get the item there. Another store had a similiar item, that was not a door buster and went there. It was a mad house at that store too. We got the item and after finding a checkout that was 3 miles long managed to leave the store. My wife and I stood outside for an hour and a half and spent another hour and a half in the store.

My son said there was a near riot at Best Buy where he was getting a tv and my nephew said a 3 year oldalmostcrushed at the Walmart he was at by people trying to get some DVD's. Pure insanity!

We got home at 330am Friday, it made me realize I am too old to be out that late.

I hadn't put the buns to bed before I left and they were not pleased to be up so late. I had to give out extra craisins to stop the thumping while begging forgiveness.
Gorgeous bun! Hope all is well with her!
Black Friday sounds like a hectic maze!
So glad we don't have it in Canada.. only th American stores in Canada.
Well bust of luck!
See, now this wee, innocuous sentence is what makes me go :shock:

All the bunny's are doing well, been trimming bunny nails for the last couple of days. 14 bunny's times 4 paws equals a lot of bunny nails to trim.

FOURTEEN bunnies! That's so many, I almost can't even calculate how many toesies that equates to (okay, so I had to work it out: 56!!!!). LOL...and I complain about having to do my two. Dave, I don't know how you and Karen do it...the two of you must dream about toe trimming and cage cleaning whenever you manage to squeeze in any sleep. (However, I do know too, that 14X the bunnies = 14X the love too.... :D)

Oh, Black Friday (never heard such an ominous term for a shopping day before)...I doubt you could pay me enough to be anywhere near a store in the U.S. on that day! I've heard the nightmarish stories (and the great deals ;)); hours upon hours of lineups, fighting the angry crowds...nope, not for me. Then again, I am just shy of 5' tall, so any crowd bigger than 6 people has me getting nervous.

BF is slowly making its way here to the Great White North. There were many many stores in Ottawa advertising 'Black Friday' deals - usually 50% off or so - and the crowds, apparently, were pretty huge. Not to be outdone by our neighbours to the south, I guess Canadian retailers decided 'We'll show them'....and now on 'Canadian Black Friday' you can actually get a Sears tent dress for half of the 500% inflated price...or you can go to Canadian Tire and go wild spending your Canadian Tire money. I'm not all that impressed though; only if Tim Horton's starts participating and sells it's coffee for 90% off on that day will my attention be piqued. Oh, and they'd better throw in a free Timbit or two while they're at it. :biggrin:
HAHAHAHAHA OOOOOoooooh I love that ditto decorating. Is that a neighbor of yours?

Oooh I always avoid black friday. I did have to go to Walmart at 930pm on thanksgiving night (cause they were the only ones open) for some none christmas shopping. It was already starting to get crazy. I left just in time. This year family is getting baked goods and that's it.
Thats isa picture a friend sent me. It gave me a good chuckle. My familiy is going to see the house of a fellow rabbit advisory board member. Her husband added 45,000 new lights to their house Christmas decorations. It is also timed to music.

Well I thought I would post an update while I am at the computer and enjoying the fake flames from the fake fireplace.

The buns are all doing great, everyone is healthy being good furry masters to me, as long as the treats hold out.

The last couple of cage cleanings, Titan has sprayed me as soon as I have let him out of his cage, the big brat.

Tiny's feet are doing much better. I moved him into a different cage, he had taken to sitting in his litter box all the time and his feet were wet all the time. I was afraid he was going to develop sore hocks.

I have begun to look for a light grey flemish doe for my daughters 4-H rabbit club. She wants to breed our big black buck Titan to the doe to get some nice big steels.
I hope everyone had a nice Christmas.

I started my vacation the afternoon of the 21st. The bunny's have been very patient with breakfast becoming more of a brunch, they are allowing their slave to stay up late and sleep in. Their slave was also cleaning the house for our Christmas while my wife, baked goodies and finished wrapping gifts for grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

My wife and I had our Christmas on the 23rd. We started a tradition with our kids years agoof going out to dinner, then coming home and opening presents. This was the first time in a long time that we had all the kids home. It was a great evening, my boys were both here with their fiance's, we had a lot of fun.

Cally, one of my future daughter in laws, bought me the "rabbit with big pointy teeth" from the Monty Python movie the Holy Grail. Its one of my favorite movies.


The 24th was Christmas at my in-laws which is always a good time and today wasChristmas with my family. Tomorrow is my son Josh's birthday, then all the celebrating is done! Providing everything goes smoothly at my son's birthday at his house, this will be one of the smoothest holiday season's we have had. Then the resting can resume.
Oh, it sounds like you and Karen had a wonderful Christmas! LOL...I too love that Monty Python bunny; what a great gift! I'm so glad everyone was able to make it home for the holidays...I believe that's what makes Christmas...well, Christmas. :)

A belated Merry Christmas (and early Happy New Year!) to all of wabbitdad/wabbitmom's family!!

Its been a while since I posted anything. The place where I work shut down for the holidays and I spent my time staying up late and sleeping in.

I am fortunate to have such benevolent furry masters, as they did not complain (too much) about the breakfast's that turned into brunches and suppers that turned into very late dinners.

The herd is doing well, as long as I keep the craisins and banana chips coming I think I can avoid a riot.

Its official I am getting older, didn't want to admit it, but I have to concede. Karen and I went and had our eyes checked during the shut down. I now have no line bi-focals. So far its not bad, except learning at what angle to hold books now and trying to find the right angle to hold my head when on the computer.
Poor Titan, I was cleaning cages and had let out Mr. Handsome and his dad Titan. Mr. Handsome hopped into Titan's cage and when Titan came over, Handsome jumped over him and sprayed his dad big time!

Titan went into his cage, gave his boy the bunny butt and started to groom himself.
We have finally been getting some snow lately. Temps in the mid 40's during January in Indiana is not normal. Plus it gives me a chance to go outside and play with my new to me snowblower. Despite the roar of the snowblower engine, I still faintly hear bunny laughter from the house. Each time I make a pass down the sidewalk or clearing my neighbors driveway I hear bunny's chuckling.

I think because they are staying nice and cozy in a warm house and I am voluntarily going out into the cold to be in the snow.

The bunny's got a fresh bale of hay last week. It is very stiff and goes right through socks and pokes toes and feet.

Tonight I let Mr. Louie and Titan meet. Louie, a dutch cross, was trying to dominate Titan, flemish giant. Titan was on the other hand trying to groom Louie and the two were going in circles. Louie finally gave up and sat there while Titan groomed him. Wish I had my camera, they always do cute stuff when I don't have my camera with me.

I was taking a trip down memory lane today and found this picture of my wife and I on our wedding day 28 years ago. I graduated from college, was commisioned in the Air Force and married all in three weeks, that was quite a month!


Wabbitdad12 wrote:
We have finally been getting some snow lately. Temps in the mid 40's during January in Indiana is not normal. Plus it gives me a chance to go outside and play with my new to me snowblower. Despite the roar of the snowblower engine, I still faintly hear bunny laughter from the house. Each time I make a pass down the sidewalk or clearing my neighbors driveway I hear bunny's chuckling.

I think because they are staying nice and cozy in a warm house and I am voluntarily going out into the cold to be in the snow.

The bunny's got a fresh bale of hay last week. It is very stiff and goes right through socks and pokes toes and feet.

Tonight I let Mr. Louie and Titan meet. Louie, a dutch cross, was trying to dominate Titan, flemish giant. Titan was on the other hand trying to groom Louie and the two were going in circles. Louie finally gave up and sat there while Titan groomed him. Wish I had my camera, they always do cute stuff when I don't have my camera with me.

I was taking a trip down memory lane today and found this picture of my wife and I on our wedding day 28 years ago. I graduated from college, was commisioned in the Air Force and married all in three weeks, that was quite a month!



Hi Dave & Karen,

It's been a pleasure learning about you both, your family and your Masters (Your Bunny Crew). Congratulations on the 28 years of Marriage. I have to say that is an amazing thing now a days. For two to be together so long, successfully raise children to being great adults, and learning together the pleasure of being slaves to such unique creatures.


Miss Hope is beautiful and so glad you are making progress with her.

K :)

eta: Sorry Dave, hit the send button too soon. My husband and I would like to thank you for the service to our Country being commissioned in the Air Force. Also to your family for the time spent away. We truly appreciate with all our hearts, the men and women who protect and serve our Country.

Thank You, we definitely had to lean on each other. Your right you don't hear about long marriages anymore. We joke that we have too much time invested in each other now, we have to stay together.

Its fun being slaves to bunny's. Our furry masters are very forgiving when we make a mistake, like not getting treats to them fast enough.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
I was taking a trip down memory lane today and found this picture of my wife and I on our wedding day 28 years ago.  I graduated from college, was commisioned in the Air Force and married all in three weeks, that was quite a month!


Oh my, what a beautiful couple you two made! Dave, you looked very dashing! And Karen, you looked just gorgeous in your wedding dress; it's beautiful on you! Gosh, you both looked so young there...;)

It's so true, there aren't a lot of marriages that withstand the test of time any more, and even fewer that do so where the couple is still genuinely happy and in love. I'm so in awe of anyone who has such a great relationship, wonderful children, and withstand all of life's hardships together. You're an inspiration to us all. :love:
Di, we were young, she was 19 (turned 20 not too long after) and I was 22. I will always remember what my mother in law said "I knew when you started to date that older man he'd get serious". Older man? I was only 21 when I asked her. I still don't know how it happened, one minute we arewatching Saturday Night Live and the next I am asking her to marry me. Saying to myself, "what did I just say?" Darn glad I did though.

Well the buns are doing great, a few days ago, I had Louie (lionhead/dutch cross) and Titan (flemish giant) out together. All they did was go around in circles checking each other. I was getting dizzy watching them.

Today I had Titan and his son Mr. Handsome out. They didn't try to dominate each other. The two of them went in and out of each others cage, ran up and down the hallway, just had a good time together.

I brought Miss Jenny, e-lop, out to the living room. She loves her attention, I had to put her back in the bunny room because my hand was getting tired.

I have turned Miss Pudge, mini lop, into a treat demon bun. If I don't get her the treat in time, she starts to dig her food our of her dish. She knows I don't like that and I will cave in and give her a treat.
HAha, that's funny! "I knew when you started to date that older man he'd get serious"
It's a lovely picture, and I do like Karen's dress!