Vega and Sir Didymus (formerly Winston)

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I really think it's looking good. Right now MissVega is laying sprawled out next to her food bowl, which is the wallthat faces Sir Didymus' cage. He is on the top level, grooming himself.When Vega goes up to the top of her cage, he's on the top level of his,stretching up to look at her.

The cage looks great and I love the name. Im a huge Labrynth/Bowie fan.Too bad Vega's name isnt something like Sara or Ambrosia ;)

He looks like he's getting settled in nicely. He will probably takesome time to feel at home. I think I would give him at leasta few days before formally introducing them to one another. That wayhe's not so scared.

Im so happy he found a loving home with you!
Yeah, Haley, I would have loved to do a theme, but we didn't know that when we got Vega.

I'm going to let him hang out for a couple of days, and just get usedto the enviroment. I think they both like each other though, groomingthemselves, laying on the sides of their cages that are closest to theother.
His and Penelope's cages were next to each otherbefore and they would lay side by side on the second level all thetime, touching through the bars(his cage wasto theright of Penelope's).

It sounds like it's going well so far. I have a good feeling! :)
Sir Didymus is settling in. I opened his door totake a couple of pics and give him some parsley and cilantro, and hejust laid there and looked at me. After I snapped two pics, I left hisdoor open and went to get new batteries for my camera. About 5 minuteslater, he came out and checked things out. I just sat down so Iwouldn't spook him. He would come within 3 feet of me, lean and sniffin my direction and scamper off. He kept going back to his cage, andthen would come back out.







Aw, he looks so relaxed with his legs out behind him.

Isn't it too cute how he carefully leans out, sniffs, and inches andcrawls his way toward new stuff? He's a very cautious boy!
Yeah, I already love him, you can tell he wantsto break out of his shell. I really hope he likes it here. I gave himone of Vega's grass mats, and he really likes it. He was scratching atit and chewing on it. And I gave her one of his rattles, and she's beentossing it around her cage.

Thank you Laura for setting this up. And thank your husband for me too! I hope he has a safe trip home, whenever that is.

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