Updated Zeus pictures

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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, Texas, USA







I'll be updating my blogs with video of him too....
He's so handsome! Is he molting right now? I like his bunny prayer, my guys wish they could go outside too but there's still 2 1/2 feet of snow on the ground and will be for another month. I love my Zeusie.
He is molting - BUT - his fur is super soft again. I was really worried because back when I was losing bunnies - his fur got really stiff and felt yucky.
What a handsome bunny!
And yes, my buns give me the *evil eye* when they have to go inside.
THERE'S MY BOY!!! I think about him all the time! We met a dog named Zeus one day and I told Lexi that wasn't a good name for the dog! LOL! then Lexi got a call duck and they named him Zeus..... she said "OH that will never work, Mom!" so she changed his name to Dinozzo (from NCIS lol).

This is my favorite picture! What a gorgeous boy! I believe he's actually gotten a bit more chunky?? and he looks so very happy! and here he looks very masculine as if to be making sure his yard is secure!


He's actually not happy in that picture since I've told him he has to come in.

If I remember right - he's a Flemish/NZ mix.

He needs to go to the vet - but more about that in my blog....
He's beautiful! Love the spring pictures...

Awww yay for Zeus pictures! He's such a handsome boy. He looks super fluffy and furry at the moment! I find it hilarious that his ears are like that all the time- I just love them! :biggrin2:
Something sort of funny and sad about Zeus' ears....he had ear mites when he was young and they got so bad that he lost ear control of that one ear (or some of the control - he can still move it around).

So when Miss Bea (who frequently has bouts of ear mites) - got ear mites - he broke the bond with her and was scared of getting ear mites from her (or so I suppose) and he'd start charging her to keep her away from him.

Even now that she doesn't have mites - they won't rebond. He has tried to be nice - but she was a doe that got scorned and heaven help the buck who scorns Miss Bea.

She will have NOTHING to do with him any more....

Poor bunnies...
Oh is that the reason one ear is half down. I was wondering since you said there was no lop in him. That is the bit about him I really love though, gives him so much character:)
Sabine wrote:
Oh is that the reason one ear is half down. I was wondering since you said there was no lop in him. That is the bit about him I really love though, gives him so much character:)

Agreed.. Its really cute and unique. :)
LuvaBun wrote:
Zeus looks so happy and content outside - love his prayer.

I remember when Tiny used to hide when it was time to come in, so he could stay out. Looks like he has told Zeus to do the same ;)

I had forgotten about Tiny hiding until you mentioned - that is true - he was a big stinker...wasn't he?

Zeus wasn't happy about coming in and I promised him he could come outside again soon....I so wanted to bring out Miss Bea and let her get some exercise too but I was afraid they'd fight. I may take her out one day this week...

I gotta say - I really do love Zeus. I don't show it like I did with Tiny - but I really do care about him a lot - even if I do call him "Zeus-y"....and "Zeus-monster".

LOL! How could you NOT love that sweet face?
Wouldn't you want to be outside all day too? I love his ear too, as sad as the cause of it is.

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