Update- took the white flemish back to its owner/kept the Sandy one

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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2011
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northern, Virginia, USA
hey all

So after much thinking last night and some of your comments and advice.. I decided after I seperated the two... due to the white one having the eye issue and noticing.. really bad, urine on its body.... lower legs , tummy.. gave it a bath and then noticed it would be wet again all over there. Thinking UTI or worst.. and the most docile, laid back.. ever so sweet thing you ever saw.. either super bunny.. or one really really sick bunny.. took him/her back

I will definitely keep the Sandy one- we named it Binky.. LMAO/ I call it ... IT..because not sure of its sex/ will take photos and put up.. hoping you all can help me figure out the sex

I am a little sad I decided to give back the bunny.. but after burying my Sheltie of 14 years last week.. I dont think I can bear to raise.. love.. take care.. treat.. heal.. and it be much more serious and pass away.. so before I got anymore attached.. I took the white bunny back

thanks again everyone

So sorry you had to make that choice. I know your intentions were good. Sorry to hear about your puppers too. I have 9 pets and I have had sevral before these. All rescues and all were pampered till their last day. It never gets easy. Working for vets for over 12 years certainly did not desensitize me but it helped me deal with it in a different way. Seeing animals suffer through everything from accidents, cancer and old age can really tear you down and take its toll.

Binky is about to discover that he/she has one of the best pet lovers to care for her/him
Thank you, I feel better as the day went on about my decision. Shoot after calling vets.. and finding out.. with the symptoms... it could cost 500-2,000.00.. I was like.. yep you going back!!!!

Thanks now I can spoil.. Binky even more!!!
Yeah - I use Pen G to treat for UTI.....a $20 bottle seems to last forever....
Hey! I live in No. Va., too, and I know what you're talking about. Outrageous prices!!! I know of a vet clinic in Purcellville if you're interested. A bunny rescue place recommended them and they are so much more reasonable than the vets around us. Let me know if you're interested. I live in Fairfax... where do you live?
Thanks peg..but, without me reallybeing able to know what is fully wrong..I thought its best to take him or her back..oh and thank u so much form the links to boys and girl photos..that really helped..I think it's a girl..but will trymagain next week

birdlover wrote:
Hey! I live in No. Va., too, and I know what you're talking about. Outrageous prices!!! I know of a vet clinic in Purcellville if you're interested. A bunny rescue place recommended them and they are so much more reasonable than the vets around us. Let me know if you're interested. I live in Fairfax... where do you live?

That would be awesome..yes I know pirceville real well...and yes..talk about expensive..then u know the two main rabbit vets their out near u
Here was their pricing
89 checkup
Culture 80.00
95 blood work
200 if needing x-rays
200 if needing ultrasound

So I with my luck would need the above..I just know it with how much it was wet..everywhere and the eye..etc

Whoopie another fellow northern va..nice to meet u
Yes...super high out here..and most vets around me will only see dogs and cats..the minute it's outside that box its a livestock vet..and around here that's horses and cows, and my goodness the nearest goat vet is about an hour and half from me..andmthen rabbits are grouped into the exotic pet vet group..price rockets
owataqt wrote:
Thanks peg..but, without me reallybeing able to know what is fully wrong..I thought its best to take him or her back..oh and thank u so much form the links to boys and girl photos..that really helped..I think it's a girl..but will trymagain next week

Definitely - you had to do what is right for you - which is why I mentioned urine scald and calcium buildup, etc. on the phone to you - so you'd be able to make an informed decision without a lot of expense!

So glad to hear about Binky - we need lots more photos though....
Yep peg, it had alot to do with your advice..because when I first went I was so excited..I forgot half the things you told me and once home and overlooking the white one,,and gave it a bath..it still would be newly discolored with urine..but we aren't talking a little bit..I remember your words..you may find some..etc..but this was beyond..and really this being my first flemmish giant experience I began thinking..two big rabbits..separating..time? And if sick? Then care taking..cleaning up, etc
Goats, koi, chickens, peacocks, dogs, parrots..I know what it's like to care for sick animals.,and loosing my one dog last week..and my 5 year old not handling well at all..why take that chance with the white bun..I still can't help but think,,nooo nooo, iam not even going to think that way..it could have been the most awesome bun in the world..and I shouldn't have taken it back..then I flash back to ..nooooo, just keep one!!! One u know is healthy for sure and devote your time to one.. Spoil it rotten..

Thanks again peg for all your help

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