ugh, I just need to rant.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
Some of you may know, I have a phobia of school. The people, the enviroment, everything.

Last year I was homeschooled with a private teacher under doctors orders. Well I no longer see this doctor because she called me a whore. She told me she'd give me this comming year off again, until I felt I could go back.

Ever since Augest has started, i've been on edge, on the countdown, I start school Augest 31st.

Instead of a homeschool teacher, it was this program where you just pick up the work from the board office, and drop it off when you're done.

Now I asked my mum if she could make me the appointment with my doctor, so I can get the letter. She wont make me the appointment. She says that im 'fine' and 'over reacting'. She's one to talk, she had the same problem when she was younger.. but says 'oh, atleast I didnt cry' and stupid stuff like that.

I reaallyy am scared for the end of this month, i've been crying all day. My doctor (Psycologist) is who I let my steam out to, but my mom wont make me the appointment, so that way she can't give me a letter. I don't know my doctors number either, so I can't call her.. and you need to make an appointment, because it's in her house.

I really just want to get my letter, and work on recovering.

I really feel for you. I remember how much better you felt when you could be home schooled and I'm sorry this has unsettled you so much.

Is there anyway you could make an appointment? Or maybe call and ask for a telephone appointment with your psych? Or could maybe one of your brothers call and book instead of your mum?
Do you know the name of the doctor? Look it up in the phone book, google or call 411.

I"m sorry your mom isn't supportive. I had school anxiety and so did my brother. I was home schooled through most of high school(not specifically for anxiety tho).

Have you tried any anxiety medications or something like cognitive behavioural therapy(CBT) with your therapist to help treat the anxiety? Being home schooled helps avoid the anxiety but doesn't do much to help treat the problem.
I had this same thing growing up. I used to actually hyperventilate before school every day... misery. Medication and therapy helped a bit, but the only way I ever got through it was by getting in to cyberschooling instead of a physical school. After getting past highschool that way, I was ready to face the world again by the time college came around. Would that be at all possible for you? I don't know if it's in Canada or not- even in the US, not every state does it. I'm sorry your mom is so unsupportive... that's terrible. It's not like people choose to have phobias.
Serious wrote:
I had this same thing growing up. I used to actually hyperventilate before school every day... misery. Medication and therapy helped a bit, but the only way I ever got through it was by getting in to cyberschooling instead of a physical school. After getting past highschool that way, I was ready to face the world again by the time college came around. Would that be at all possible for you? I don't know if it's in Canada or not- even in the US, not every state does it. I'm sorry your mom is so unsupportive... that's terrible. It's not like people choose to have phobias.
There are cyber school in Canada. They aren't too common but they are around. Thats how I did part of my high school. Cyber school was much easier then doing correspondence(what it sounds like brandy is doing with doing the booklets and dropping them off). I also did correspondance and it was harder because you have less contact with teachers, or other students.No one to explain the lessons to you. There are people you can call if you need help but it still wasn't great compared to cycber schooling.
degrassi wrote:
Do you know the name of the doctor? Look it up in the phone book, google or call 411.

I"m sorry your mom isn't supportive. I had school anxiety and so did my brother. I was home schooled through most of high school(not specifically for anxiety tho).

Have you tried any anxiety medications or something like cognitive behavioural therapy(CBT) with your therapist to help treat the anxiety? Being home schooled helps avoid the anxiety but doesn't do much to help treat the problem.
She doesn't belive in 'drugs'
Homeschooling has made my anxiety 1000 times worse. At least I can get my diploma though.

It's hard to give you advice since your mother is so stubborn.
In lieu of drugs, what about things like Bach's flower essence? It's just herbal stuff, but a lot of people say it helps. My mom swears by it.
Some people have a hard time with 'drugs'. I didn't want to take anything either when my anxiety was at it's peak years ago. I am very relieved that I finally did though because through the 'drugs' I found the strength to leave a now ex husband and a abusive situation.

I am sorry you are going through this. I wish I could offer help but all I have for you is a sympathetic ear and a shoulder. There isn't much anyone can do here since your mom does appear to be a bit, ahem... I will say set in her ways. Lol. ((((Big hugs to you))))
I used to sit in the nurses office every single day in grade 10 during my 1st period because I had so much anxiety. After the nurse started telling me I couldn't sit in her office anymore....I used to tell my teacher I was going to the nurse...but then I would hang out in the bathroom until class was over. All day I hated being at school.

It wasn't until last year when I started having real panic attacks and learned my whole family suffers from them (it is hereditary).

Now it makes sense as to why I hated school so much and could never learn. When you have a fear, anger, or frustration with can cause panic and totally shut you off from that certain something.

This is, I believe, the main reason why I never graduated high school. I have half of my GED...I still need to build up the nerve to go and take the other half.

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