If anyone told me a week ago that I'd have a 6-month old Flemish Giantbaby girl by today, I would've told you that you were certifiably Nutsand I would've lost a bundle of cash betting on it. Thanks for thecompliments.
bunsforlife: Her eyelashes are stunning. They are as black and long as the night.
Cher: She's about 8 lbs. The doctor weighed her in at 3.6 kg. soI just have to look at the conversion chart. Tucker is 4.4, I believe -Buck Jones can check me on that, and Fauna is 3.8.
Raspberry Swirl: I just can't get over her size! :shock: I havea rug in the living room, but they have to get there. As you can see bythe pictures of Tucker Lane, it's made of wooden streets. Poor babygirl, Cali, is trying to maneuver her big feet on the slippery floor,but she's learning. She looks so adorable. Just like Bambi trying towalk on ice. Her back left foot goes out and down, while her back rightfoot goes up and out. So cute! The other two know that they have toslow down on the wood and you have to start out lightly. She'll learn.She goes to give a big jump on the wood and she gets all bollixed up.Trimming her nails should prove interesting - to say the least!
NightPoet: I didn't make that cage. It was a gift to Tucker fromAunt Bunny (the other name for The Missus) and Uncle Buck.
Pamnock: Thank you so much for explaining her hair to me. WhenBuck asked me last night, I thought she was a fawn color, but theHealth Certificate says her color is Sand, but she does look copper,blue, with black tips. Especially now since she's shedding.
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I imagine she'll grow into her tail, ears, and feet because they'rejust so proportionally huge compared to the rest of her. She looks ahare to me with ears so big.
She's very beautiful.
Tucker definitely is protective of Fauna and I at the moment, although- Cali just moved and he went racing over to see if things were undercontrol.
He's moody, but he's a good Mayor in this Town.